Class Teacher: Sam Milne
Teaching Assistants: Georgie Elsworth, Jess Crang
Summer Term
Our science topic this half term has been animals, including humans. Today we learnt about the five senses. The children had fun carrying out some tests using their senses. They used taste to explore different foods; used touch to compare how objects felt; explored sight by trying to complete puzzles and build towers with their eyes closed; used their noses to explore what they liked the smell of and what they didn’t; and used their ears to listen to different sounds.
Amazing effort from all the children today dressed up as what they want to be when they grow up. We had vets, police officers, gymnasts, footballers and bug shop owners to name a few!
Huge well done to everybody for their efforts with sports day. The children all tried their hardest and were super at supporting everybody. Thank you to the PTFA for the ice lollies afterwards - much needed and deserved!
We are currently reading the story of The Magic Finger, by Roald Dahl. Today the children pretended to be the Gregg family and built nests out of sticks, leaves and feathers. We talked about the order in which things were completed. The children will using this to help them write instructions explaining how to build a nest.
Linking in with our topic of Africa, we had fun exploring some clothing and artefacts from Africa.
Continuing with our 2D/3D shape exploration, we explored faces, edges and vertices in the shapes that we constructed out of pasta!
We have been looking at 3D shapes and their 2D nets - the Polydron and connecting squares really helped us to deconstruct the 3D shapes into the 2D faces at which point we could build them up again! Of course, we couldn’t just stick to cube forms and so we explored all sorts of weird and wonderful 3D shapes.
We've been monitoring how our plants have been growing and are pleased to say that they now all have green shoots. We're not the best at remembering to water them but we are getting better! The sunshine is definitely helping them grow.
We have been looking after the seeds we planted. Some of them have started to grow over the last few days. We will be keeping a close eye on how they grow over the next few weeks and keep you updated!
It is lovely to see everyone back after the Easter holidays. It is great to hear that a number of children took part in the Bookman challenge over Easter and were busy reading in lots of different places and to lots of different people. Thank you to all of you that sent in your photos.
Our topic in science this half term is plants. We spent some time outside exploring the beautiful plants in our outdoor space. The children then planted some seeds and we are going to observe how they grow over the next few weeks.
Spring Term
Week 10
We ended the week celebrating Red Nose Day. The children all looked great wearing red and there were lots of events going on to support, and raise awareness, of Red Nose Day.
Pendragon class had a fantastic day out today at Somerset Rural Life Museum where we took part in a 'What Floats Your Boat' workshop. We started off trying to guess the mystery object in a bag thinking about how it smelt, what it might be used for and how it felt (it was peat). We then learned about peat boats and had a tour of the museum to see one on display and the tools they used for digging peat. The children were then set a challenge of making a model of a peat boat. They had consider how to hold the boat together and what materials they could use to waterproof it. The children worked amazingly in their teams to make their boats. The boats were then tested to see how many bales of hay they could hold. We had a great day out, thank you to Somerset Rural Life Museum and the volunteers who supported us on our trip!
Week 8
The children had a lovely time celebrating World Book Day on Thursday. There were some fantastic costumes, the children all looked amazing! We completed lots of activities linked to books including writing our own lost and found story (Dogger), grouping and sharing cookies (The Doorbell Rang) and we also enjoyed a story in the reading cafe with a hot chocolate and biscuit.
Week 7
Our topic in art this half term is painting. This week we talked about primary colours and then explored the work of Piet Mondrian. The children then used primary colours to recreate Piet Mondrian's work.
The children had a great time this afternoon making pancakes with Mr Gordon. They must have tasted delicious as not one single pancake was left!
Week 5
The children took part in a live lesson from Saxaford UK Space Port where they were told about how astronauts exercise, eat and brush their teeth in space. The astronaut used his Lego model of a space rocket to demonstrate what happens when a space rocket takes off. There was also a message from the first British astronaut, Helen Sharman. I hope the children have been remembering some facts that they have learnt about our topic and telling you these at home!
Week 4
Our topic for this term is 'Transport'. We have already been exploring lots of different types of transport and learning about them. The children have had a go at making wheels out of paper, then seeing whose wheel could travel the furthest. We also learnt about Viking Longboats and then the children then made their own out of card. This week we have been exploring trains and learning about George Stephenson.
The whole class are really enjoying their art sessions with Mr Plumbley on a Friday. With their theme of transport being covered in class, the children are in the process of putting together and building their own vehicle. Watch this page for weekly updates!
Congratulations to Henry in Pendragon who had Argentina in the World Cup. Bookman was on hand to present Henry with his prize, kindly purchased by the PTFA.
Welcome back! It is lovely to see everyone back after the Christmas break. Even though we have only been in three days this week, the children have been very busy and working hard. Well done to all of the children that took part in the Bookman challenge over Christmas. We had a visit from Bookman on Friday and he awarded everyone their house points.
In maths, we have started the year looking at 3D shapes. The children sorted 3D shapes out and discussed their properties. They were very good at recognising 3D shapes within the classroom. In science, we have started our new topic 'seasonal changes'. We talked about our favourite type of weather and then made a pictogram of the results. As you can see most children said that sunshine was their favourite type of weather.
Autumn 2
The children all looked fantastic today as they put on their festive jumpers for the school Christmas meal.
We were very lucky to receive a visit from a very special guest today. He took time out of his busy schedule to visit us, arriving via helicopter, and made sure he said hello to all the children at Countess Gytha Primary School. Thank you!
A huge well done to all the children for their performances in the school nativity. They all worked really hard and I'm sure you'll agree that the performance was fantastic!
The church came into school to help the children make their Christingle candles. The children had great fun making them. We then took them down to the Christingle service on Thursday.
Following on from the dance workshop, M&M Productions were in school on Tuesday performing their panto, Aladdin. The production was amazing, and all children had great fun. There was even some audience participation - well done Mrs Trusson and Mr Gallagher! Thank you to the PTFA as well for treating the children to popcorn afterwards!
Pendragon took part in a dance workshop today. In the workshop they told the story of Aladdin through dance. In the dance, the children acted out the roles of guards, market traders, Aladdin and Wishy Washy to name just a few! They were all fantastic and did an amazing job. Well done, Pendragon!
Our focus in maths this week has been shape. Pendragon have been learning the names of common 2D shapes and exploring their properties. We completed a shape hunt in the classroom - the children were fantastic at identifying shapes around the classroom!
World Cup Day
Pendragon came into school dressed in their football kits and red and white to show their support for the England football team. Throughout the day they completed World Cup themed activities and even got to make a table football game and some even watched a little of the match!
Maths Curriculum Evening
Thank you to those parents who attended and supported the Maths Curriculum evening we held this week. If you were unable to attend, then below you will find links to a variety of resources which provide an insight into your child's Maths Curriculum and will enable you to further support them on their maths journey.
As part of our topic, we are learning about London and will be comparing it with our local area, Queen Camel. We have started by learning about human and physical features in geography. Pendragon completed an activity that involved identifying whether features were human or physical.
School Council
School Council representatives were lucky to visit Yeovil Town Council at the beginning of this term. They held their meeting at Yeovil Town Council offices. Pendragon class representatives had a great afternoon and enjoyed reporting back to the rest of the class about their visit.
Autumn 1
Pendragon have continued to explore the topic of 'materials' in science. This week they started an investigation to find a suitable material to make an umbrella for a teddy bear. Before we began the experiment, we made predictions as to which material would be best and why. The children then worked in small groups to test the different materials observing which ones kept the teddy bear dry.
In maths we have been looking at composition of numbers. We used marshmallows to help us work out all the different combinations of white and pink marshmallows you could have in a box of five.
Our focus in maths this week has been ordinal numbers. We looked at the positions that dinosaurs finished in a race and talked about those positions.
In Art this week we have been exploring using different materials, this week we used charcoal. The children drew sections of St Paul's Cathedral with charcoal. They explored using different techniques to create light and shade in their pictures.
Pendragon started music lessons with Mr Male this week. They will be learning ukulele with Mr Male every Wednesday morning. They all enjoyed playing some games first, following simple rules. The children then had a go at playing a ukulele.
We are learning place value in maths. We have been looking at counting forwards and backwards, up to 100, and counting in 10s. We took advantage of the sunshine and went outside today using the snakes and ladders board on the playground to help us with our counting.
Linking in with our science topic of 'materials', the children made self-portraits using natural materials. They came up with some very creative ways to use the objects to make their various features!
This week the children were introduced to their new topic for the Autumn term: The Great Fire of London. We talked about what we do if we hear a fire alarm at school. The children then watched a video illustrating what London was like during the time of The Great Fire of London. We talked about how fires were put out then and the children had a go at the ‘Bucket Challenge’, seeing how quickly they could pass a bucket of water along a line without spilling it.
Welcome back to Pendragon class. We've had a really great week getting to know each other this week. All here in Year 1 and 2 are looking forward to a fantastic year ahead.