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School Sport

Thanks to Mr Gallagher, Mr Bunter and all the other staff who have supported with school sport this year. Also, we would like to thank the parents who supported with the travel to each event.

We Did It! Three Years in a Row!

Summer Term 2024

Sports Day

What an amazing day yesterday. Thank you to all of you who attended and supported the children. Key Stage 2 had a fantastic morning taking part in netball, football and cross country. The netball and football was fiercely competitive and played in great spirits and the determination and resilience shown during cross country was highly impressive. An amazing effort by the children.

The afternoon began with the carousel of activities where all children competed in events such as javelin, obstacle course, egg and spoon, tug of war and the water run. Finally, we enjoyed and competed in our running and hurdling races culminating in some great parent and teacher races too.


Congratulations to all of the houses but there can only be one winner. 

The winners of the 2024 Countess Gytha Sports Day are: 



Well done - it was so close with Blackdowns winning by just two points. 

2nd - Quantocks

3rd - Mendips

4th - Poldens

Cross Country


A massive congratulations must go to the cricket team for qualifying for the County finals. We played three matches, winning two and losing one. We had an amazing game in the final against Martock where we won by just 2 runs. Amazing teamwork from: Cooper, Chloe, Albie, Alfie, Henry, Ben, Jack and Dexter. 


The team travelled to Keinton this week to take part in a one-off rounders match. Despite playing 8v11, our team were brilliant. We scored 37 points which is a great total, unfortunately, Keinton managed 55 which meant they won. However, Mr Gallagher was impressed with Rothen who fielded excellently, Chloe, who bowled extremely well in the first innings and Harry and Jack who both batted brilliantly. Well done to Emily, Eloise, Lucy and Ben who also played a great game. 

Girls Football

The girls played a tournament at Bucklers Mead on Thursday competing against local schools in 10-minute matches. The team did themselves proud - scoring three goals in the four games that they played. A special mention must go to Eloise and Emily who both scored some amazing goals. We were so incredibly unlucky at times with the girls hitting the post or the bar on five separate occasions through the tournament. Well done to all of the girls: Lola, Eloise, Evie, Lucy, Emily, Chloe and Daisy-May

Today, Yeovil Town football club community trust came into school with the National League South trophy. They showed us a great video of the team and answered some questions on Yeovil's success this year. 

Spring Term 2024

Active Lives School Report - March 2024

From the above report, you can see that overall, our children are very happy and are receiving their 2-hours of P.E. weekly. We will continue to support families in providing additional sporting/active sessions through our enrichment clubs to help boost the total amount of activity per child, per week. 

Girls Football

The girls played a tournament at Bucklers Mead on Monday competing against local schools in 10-minute matches. A lot of the team were playing their first every match and they all played really well. Unfortunately, in the first three matches, the team couldn't quite score but in the final match - with the outstanding scoring prowess of Emily and Chloe - we managed to win 3-0. Well done to all of the girls: Lola, Eloise, Evie, Lucy, Emily, Chloe, Daisy-May and Freya.

Stadium Tour

The football team had the wonderful opportunity of enjoying a stadium tour at Yeovil Town Football Club with Mrs Elsworth. An academy coach delivered the tour and the children got to go into the dressing rooms, the pitch and had time to spend in the dug outs too.

Cross Country

The final race of the season was held at Mudford Rec on Wednesday. Well done to all those who competed. A massive congratulations must go to Grace who came 2nd in the Year 4 race. She’s had an outstanding season coming 2nd three times and 1st once and will now go forward to represent the School and Yeovil District at the Inter-area XC on 24th April. Here she is with her sister Iyla who competed in her very first cross country too!

Tennis Coach

Today, Excalibur and Lancelot had Rich Douglas in from Queen Camel Tennis Club to deliver some fun workshops. The children loved learning with Rich and Marian. Here is a selection of photos from today's sessions.

Cross Country - Aldon Hill

Wow, what an amazing performance from the children at our school on Wednesday. The team competed at Aldon Hill and that certainly was a hill. It was an extremely tough race course and the children did themselves proud by finishing the race. An extra special mention must go to Grace, Emily and Ruby who came 2nd, 2nd and 4th in their respective races. 


The team travelled to Kings Bruton on Wednesday where they took part in a mini-tournament against the Ansford Learning Partnership schools. The team performed excellently in the rain. We won three matches, drew one and lost one. Well done to Dexter, Tom, Jack, Henry, Harry, Lucy, Chloe, and Ben. 

Cross Country

At Bucklers Mead the cross country team competed on Wednesday. The squad performed fantastically with Grace winning the Year 4 girls race. Well done to everyone for representing the school so well!

Cross Country

On Wednesday, the children raced at the showground in Yeovil. We had some great top 10 finishes from Grace, Ruby and Stanley but everyone in the team were excellent. Look at how much the race took out of the KS2 children.

Congratulations to: Henry R, Theo, Stanley, Freddie, Phoebe, Ruby, Rupert, Grace, Alfie, Alex, Ethan, Frayer, Jack, Willem, Rothen, Tommy, Alex, Harry, Eloise, Lola and Oscar.


On Tuesday, the basketball team travelled to Westfield Academy in Yeovil to compete against Oaklands and Huish Primary. We played four matches winning three and drawing the last game. The team performed excellently and did themselves proud throughout each game. Well done to Jack, Henry, Dexter, Tom, Chloe and Emily.


On Monday, the football team travelled to Bucklers Mead in Yeovil to compete against local primary schools. We played five matches, winning one, drawing two and losing two. The goal scored by Tom was a fantastic volley that deservedly won us the match against Barwick. Well done to the team: Harry, Tom, Jack, Wesley, Cooper, Chloe, Dexter and Noah.


On Thursday, the basketball team travelled to Bucklers Mead in Yeovil to compete in a festival. The team were outstanding playing seven matches and remaining unbeaten. The team won five matches and drew two. Well done to Emily, Chloe, Jack, Dexter and Henry. All of you performed fantastically! 

Tag Rugby

Well done to the tag rugby team who played their first tournament at Ansford this week. They performed really well against schools like North Cadbury, Keinton, Lovington, Evercreech, Castle Cary and Ditcheat. The team won three matches, drew one and lost one. A special mention must go to Tom who not only performed fantastically but showed great teamwork. Well done to the rest of the squad: Alex, Rothen, Henry, Jack, Dexter, Noah, Wesley, Freya, Emily and Chloe. 



Autumn Term 2023


The athletics team went to Westfield yesterday and took part in different events: seated push pass, standing long jump, speed bounce, sprinting, standing vertical jump, and balance. They performed fantastically! Well done to the team: Harry, Henry, Ruby, Grace, Emily, Chloe, Lola, Noah, Jack and Lucy.

Queen Camel Cricket Club Trophy Success

This season, Queen Camel Cricket under 10s performed outstandingly and won the cup and the league double. Cooper and Chloe are both in the team currently and contributed this season to the success of the club. The team are always looking for new players. If you are interested, please contact Stewart Willes, Catherine Robinson or Guy Clothier who can all be found here:



The athletics team went to Westfield yesterday and took part in different events: seated push pass, standing long jump, speed bounce, sprinting, standing vertical jump, and balance. Well done to the team: Harry, Henry, Ruby, Grace, Emily, Chloe, Tom, Dexter, Jack and Lucy.

First Girls Football Tournament

The team played their very first matches together last night. Some of the team had never played football before. Well done to Chloe, Daisy May, Freya, Eloise, Lola, Emily, Grace and Ruby who all performed brilliantly! Thank you to Mrs Willes who took the team also.

Yeovil Football Club Tournament 

The team performed excellently on Thursday at their tournament. We played seven matches, winning three, losing three and drawing one. The team made it to the quarter finals but were unfortunate to be knocked out by Barwick Primary. Particular mention must go to Jack who was a stand out performer with his hard running and tackles in each match. Well done to the rest of the team too who all showed great teamwork and effort throughout: Ben, Chloe, Wesley, Cooper, Noah, Dexter, Harry, Thomas and Henry. 

EFSA Tournament

The team played exceptionally well on Thursday at Bucklers Mead. They won four of their five matches. Unfortunately, due to the tournament format it meant that the team finished 3rd and unluckily didn't qualify for the County Finals. However, the team performed fantastically. Wesley made some outstanding saves; Noah and Chloe made some excellent passes and tackles; Henry and Dexter were instrumental in our build up play; and Jack, Tom, Harry and Cooper scored some excellent goals. Well done to the team - you made Mr Gallagher very proud.

Football at Bucklers

Congratulations to the team who travelled to Bucklers on Monday. The boys played five matches, winning three and losing two. Important goals were scored by Wesley in a 1-0 win and Harry who scored three goals across two games that got the team vital wins. 

Well done to Harry, Wesley, Henry, Ben, Cooper, Dexter, Jack and Noah.


The team played at Trent Primary this week. We played one fixture against the Trent team and won 3-2. The squad were fantastic showing teamwork, communication and hard running throughout the match. Goals were scored by Tom and Harry scored two. Congratulations to the team: Henry, Chloe, Jack, Dexter, Cooper, Noah, Ben, Tom and Harry.


The team played at Ansford yesterday in an 8-team tournament. The team started fantastically with a 3-1 and 4-0 victory with goals from Harry, Thomas, Henry, Dexter, Cooper and Jack. The team performed excellently with great passing moves and hard work from the defence especially Chloe and Wesley. We drew 1-1 with Castle Cary which meant the team qualified for the final. The team went 1-0 down but scored an amazing equaliser with a great header from Tom. That meant penalties. Our goalkeeper Ben made two penalty saves and penalties were scored by Harry and Noah so amazingly we won the tournament. 


Amazing first tournament completed by our netball team this year. With some children who'd never played before, we won all three matches scoring a total of 18 goals. Amazing performances from the whole team. Well done to Emily, Chloe, Betsy, Freya, Ben, Jack and Henry. 


Well done to the football team who travelled to Bucklers Mead for the first tournament of the new year. Mr Bunter was incredibly happy with their work ethic and teamwork. Some brilliant goals from Harry and Chloe too. Congratulations to Noah, Dexter, Chloe, Harry, Henry, Jack, Wesley and Cooper. 

Summer Term 2023


On Tuesday, the cricket team travelled to King's Bruton and played local schools at cricket. We won all of our matches with the team scoring lots of runs and taking many wickets. Well done to Chloe, Leonie, Pippa, Mia, Jack, Joe, George and Jack. 


Congratulations to the football team for competing in a tournament on Monday. Although results didn't go our way, the team (especially the Year 4 contingent) did themselves proud. Well done to Jack, Joe, Harry, Wesley, Cooper, Chloe, Jack and Thomas. 


Thank you to all the parents and supporters who came and cheered on the children. The day was a great success and was enjoyed by all. Well done to all children who took part and tried their best. Congratulations to Quantocks again for winning the whole event. Here are a selection of photos of the classes doing their activities throughout the day. 

Girls Football

The football team went to Bucklers Mead on Monday. The girls played 5 matches, picking up 3 wins and a draw. A special mention must go to Leonie for scoring all 4 of our goals. Well done to Josie, Bella, Pippa, Chloe, Amelia, Bethany and Mia-Louise too.


On Tuesday, the team went to Westfield Academy to compete against four other primary schools. We played All Saints in our first match and won 9-0. In our second game, we won 4-0 against Oaklands. Against St Michaels, the team lost 4-1. We finished strongly by winning the last game 2-0 against Kingfisher. Well done to Jack F, Leonie, Pippa, Amelia, Mia, Bella and Jack Q. 

Yeovil Cross Country Team

Well done to the five children who competed as part of the Yeovil Cross Country team last night. You had to work incredibly hard to qualify for the team with amazing results across the cross country races. You've all made our school proud that you competed in such a high level race. Well done to Leonie, Mia, Grace, Rupert and Alex.

Royal Academy of Dance

Congratulation to Molly who got her Royal Academy of dance for Ballet certificate and badge after her exam last month! She scored the highest in her group! Well done Molly.

Henry and Harry at Huish Park as ball boys

Spring Term 2023

Cross Country

What an amazing set of results for our school on Wednesday! In the terrible weather, Grace won her race. Well done - what a great victory! Mia came 2nd in the Year 6 race with Leonie in 5th. In the Year 3 boys race Alex came 5th and Rupert came 6th. Well done to all those who participated too.


Girls Football

The girls squad took part in a football tournament at Bucklers Mead on Monday. The team played really well winning one of our games 3-0. Great goals from Leonie and Mia. Also, a special mention goes to Amelia for the best bit of defending Mr Bunter has ever seen and a wonderful assist for Leonie's goal. Well done to the rest of the team: Mia-Louise, Josie, Freya, Bella, Chloe and Pippa.

Football and Netball at Trent

Both the boys football and the girls netball teams travelled to Trent Youngs Primary on Tuesday and competed in fixtures against the school. The football team played really well picking up a 1-1 draw. Mr Bunter said the team were very unlucky not to win. The netball team were more successful and won their match 17-5. All of the girls were outstanding; they showed excellent teamwork, accuracy in shooting and intercepting. Well done to all those who participated. 

Football Fixtures at Bucklers

Well done to the boys and girls who competed in a football festival on Monday. The team played really well showing determination and skills. The team picked up two draws and a win. 

Cross Country

Congratulations to our Cross Country athletes who raced on Wednesday at Bucklers Mead. We had some amazing finishes with a 2nd place by Grace, 5th place by Leonie, 6th place by Mia and Alex and a 10th by Rupert. Well done to all those who raced. Keep up the hard work and your results will definitely improve. 

Netball Tournament

The netball squad headed to Westfield Academy on Tuesday for a well-organised tournament. The team were fantastic and our new players competed excellently. We won 6-0, 1-0, lost 1-5, drew 2-2, won 6-0 and lost the semi-final on golden shot 2-3. Well done to Joe, Henry, Pippa, Bella, Mia, Leonie and Chloe. 

Football Tournament

The team competed in a festival on Monday against local schools at Bucklers. The team were amazing especially after team selection difficulties meant we had no substitutions. Well done to Cooper, Joe, Jack, Oscar, Bethany, Leonie and Jack. 

King's Bruton Tag Rugby Festival

The team competed against local primary schools on Wednesday. We did really well: winning four, drawing one and losing one game. The score was 4-3 against Ditcheat with Leonie scoring all four. We drew 2-2 to Cary thanks to tries from Pippa and Harry. In our third game, we won 3-0 - Harry, Leonie and Henry scoring. Lovington were next and we won 3-2 with Jack, Pippa and Leonie scoring tries. Our fifth game, we played North Cadbury and Leonie scored another hat-trick in our 3-1 win. Unfortunately, we lost our last game against Evercreech 2-1 with Leonie scoring again. Congratulations to Leonie, Pippa, Henry, Harry, Oscar, Alex, Mia, Mia-Louise, Joe and Jack who all took part. 

King's Bruton Football Festival

The team competed against local primary schools on Wednesday. We did really well: winning four and losing just one game. We won our first game 4-0 against North Cadbury. We won 1-0 against Lovington and 2-0 against Evercreech. We then lost against Castle Cary and finally beat Ditcheat 5-0. The goalscorers included Bowen, Harry, Joe, Jack and Thomas. A special mention must go to Joe and Tom who were both excellent. Well done to Bethany, Leonie, Henry, Oscar and Jack who played too.

Indoor Athletics

The athletics squad travelled to Westfield Academy on Tuesday and competed in their second indoor athletics festival. They took part in different events including: speed bounce, sprint, balance, seated throw, seated push pass, standing vertical jump and a standing long jump. Each event contributed to the overall points total of the school. Results to follow. Well done to the team: Leonie, Mia, Bella, Bethany, Chloe, Pippa, George, Liam, Jack, Henry and Harry.

Year 3/4 Football

The 3 and 4 team travelled to Bucklers Mead for their first tournament of the year on Monday. The squad performed brilliantly playing 5 matches and only conceding 1 goal. We won 2 games, drew 2 and lost 1. Jack Q scored two amazing goals and Tom S scored a great goal to win our final game. Well done to: Albie, Rupert, Jack, Tom, Cooper, Wesley, Arlow, Enes and Noah.

Cross Country

The first cross country event of the year went very well for our school this week. Lots of children participated which was great to see and the team were wearing the wonderful athletics vests provided by the PTFA. Well done to Grace, Leonie and Mia for coming in the top 5 of your races. Keep up the great work everyone and get running!

Girls Football

The girls football team absolutely dominated the festival on Monday winning 4 matches and drawing 2. We won 4-0 against East Coker, 2-1 v Martock, 2-0 vs Birchfield and 1-0 against Preston. Our two draws came against Kingfisher and Milford. They performed outstandingly: key attributes such as teamwork, passing and tackling were in full force. Well done to Leonie, Mia-Louise, Mia, Bella, Bethany, Josie, Amelia, Pippa, Freya and Chloe. 

County Finals!

The football team travelled to Strode College on Thursday for the County Finals. The standard was incredibly high and the team did themselves proud. We drew our first match 0-0 with Jack F making some fantastic saves to keep us in the tie. We won our next two matches 1-0: Harry and Joe with the goals. Then although we had a goalkeeper in amazing form, we lost 1-0 and drew our final game 1-1 - Bowen with the goal. This meant we came third in our group meaning we are the joint 6th best term in the County. Well done to the squad (Leonie, Jack, Joe, Bowen, Oscar, Dexter, Henry, Harry, Tom and Jack) - you should be incredibly proud of yourself. 


Mr Bunter took the basketball team to Westfield on Monday playing four matches. The team did superbly. Unfortunately, they lost their first two games but they came roaring back winning our third match 3-2. In their fourth game, they won 7-1 - really hitting their stride. Well done to Oscar, Leonie, Pippa, Jack and Bowen.

Year 5/6 Football

The football team travelled to Bucklers Mead on Monday playing five matches. The team did superbly - winning two and losing the other three. Goals were scored by Bowen and Jack Q. Well done to Bowen, Leonie, Joe, Dexter, Jack F, Jack Q and Oscar. 

Girls Futsal

The Futsal team competed against 4 schools on Thursday. We started well winning our first match with a battling goal from Pippa. We drew our second match with Oaklands with Chloe scoring a great goal. Unfortunately, the girls lost their third match 2-1 but competed really well in the final two matches drawing both: 0-0. Well done to Mia, Mia-Louise, Leonie, Bethany, Chloe and Pippa. 

Autumn Term 2022

Girls Futsal

The Futsal team competed against 3 schools on Thursday. We started slowly, losing our first match to St Michaels and going 1-0 down to St Gildas. However, the girls fought back strongly in the second part of the tournament going on to draw 1-1 against St Gildas thanks to an own girl and we then beat Birchfield 2-0 courtesy of goals from Bethany and Leonie. Well done girls: Freya, Mia and Chloe.

Badminton at Westfield

Football Tournament

A football team of Year 4's and 5's travelled to Bucklers Mead on Monday with Mr Bunter. They played 3 matches against Year 6 teams and fought valiantly in each game. Unfortunately, the team didn't win any games but impressed Mr Bunter with their fighting spirit. Well done: Noah, Jack, Ben, Freya, Chloe, Cooper, Dexter and Wesley.

Futsal Tournament

The girls futsal team were exceptional yesterday at Westfield. We played 4 games and were unbeaten throughout. We didn't concede a shot, let alone a goal. Well done to Leonie for scoring an amazing hat trick. Congratulations to Bella, Mia, Bethany and Chloe also. 

Football Festival

The football team travelled to Bucklers Mead on Monday to take part in a football festival against Yeovil schools. The team were brilliant - all showing grit, determination and skill in each match. The team won two matches, drew three and lost one. Well done to Jack, Joe, Leonie, Oscar, Henry, Harry, Bowen, Jack and Dexter. 

Whole School get behind England!

DJ Transport help sponsor new school sports bibs

Indoor Athletics

The athletics squad travelled to Westfield Academy on Thursday and competed in an indoor athletics festival. They took part in different events including: speed bounce, run, S balance, seated throw, seated push pass, standing vertical jump and a long jump. Each event contributed to the overall points total of the school. Amazingly, we won the entire event! The points are as followed:

  1. Countess Gytha - 3885 points
  2. St Michaels - 3590 points
  3. South Petherton - 3545 points
  4. Oaklands - 3130 points
  5. Huish - 2759 points
  6. St Gildas - 2465 points

A huge congratulations must also go to Leonie who won the speed bounce event out of all of the boys and girls in the 7 schools that were there. She scored 52 jumps - incredible. A huge well done to the rest of the team: George, Jack, Henry, Harry, Joe, Bella, Mia, Pippa, Bethany and Chloe. 

Girls Football Tournament

The girls played a tournament at Bucklers Mead on Thursday. They played four matches to see if they could qualify for the county finals. In our first match, we played South Petherton and we won 1-0 with Mia getting the goal in the last minute. In the second game, we won 2-0 against Birchfield with Leonie and Chloe scoring our goals. Afterwards, we played Kingfisher and won 3-0 - Leonie scoring twice and Bethany scoring the other. This meant that we needed to win our final match against Preston to qualify. Unfortunately, we lost 1-0 with an unlucky penalty against the girls. The whole team should be proud of themselves as they were all fantastic. Well done to Josie, Mia, Bella, Pippa, Mia-Louise, Freya, Chloe, Leonie and Bethany.

Wet and Windy Cross Country

A wet and windy event made for extremely tough conditions for our runners this week. Amazingly, Grace became Countess Gytha's first winner of the event: winning her year 2/3 girls race. Congratulations. Well done to all those who competed. You are all improving with each race. Keep up the hard work!!

We're through to the County Finals!!

Wow. An amazing performance in the small schools tournament at Bucklers Mead from the football team. We won our group with comprehensive victories against Kingfisher, Norton and Charlton Mackrell. We won 3-0, 5-0 and 4-0. Outstanding play from the team. We then took on St Margerets in the final and won 2-0. This means we have qualified for the County Finals for the second year in a row. Well done to Dexter, Leonie, Oscar, Tom, Jack, Joe, Bowen, Henry and Harry. 

Netball Festival

Brilliant work from the netball team this week who won 3 of their 6 matches, drawing 2 and losing just once. Amazing play from all the squad with a special congratulations to Jack, Mia, Marley and Bella for scoring. Also to Amelia, Chloe and Pippa for outstanding defending.

Cross Country at Bucklers Mead

Well done to all of the participants who travelled to Yeovil this week to participate in the cross country. Another set of wonderful results saw a 9th, 8th, 7th, 6th, 5th and 4th place finish from our school. Keep up the great work.

Football Tournament at Bucklers

On Monday this week, the football team travelled to Yeovil for a festival where they played 6 fixtures remaining unbeaten for them all. We won 2 and drew 4. Team captain Oscar was highlighted by Mr Bunter for his outstanding play and defending. Well done to the rest of the team: Jack, Jack, Joe, Leonie, Bowen, Dexter, Harry and Henry. 

Hockey Tournament Success

A huge well done goes to the hockey team for their incredible effort at Westfield Academy. They played 3 games and won all of them without conceding a goal. The first game, they won 4-0 with a hat-trick for Bowen and one Mia. The second, they won 2-0 with two goals from Bowen and the last game they won 3-0 with two goals from Jack F and one for Jack Q. Congratulations to Jack F, Jack Q, Leonie, Mia, Chloe, Henry and Bowen.

Girls Football Tournament

A massive congratulations goes to the girls football team who were incredible last night with Mr Bunter at Bucklers Mead. They were unbeaten in their 5 games: winning four and drawing one. They scored eight times and conceded no goals. An amazing result. Well done to: Leonie, Mia, Mia-Louise, Chloe, Freya, Bella, Bethany, Josie and Pippa. 

Year 5/6 Football Tournament

Well done to the team that went to Bucklers this week for a football tournament. We performed really well especially Jack who impressed Mr Bunter with a goal scored from a corner. We finished with 1 win, 1 draw and 3 defeats. Congratulations to Leonie, Chloe, Pippa, Dexter, Henry, Ben and Liam as well for playing. 

First Cross Country of the Year

Well done to all of the participants who travelled to the rugby club this week to participate in the cross country. We had some fabulous results with Rupert and Grace finishing 3rd, Leonie and Mia finishing 5th and 6th respectively and Alex who finished 7th. It was brilliant to see so many of our school there. 

Girls Football Festival

The girls football team played their first football tournament of the year this week at Westfield Academy. The players were fantastic: working hard for each other and demonstrating amazing integrity with their fair play. We won 2 games, drew 2 and lost 1. Amazing goals were scored by Freya, Bella, Pippa and Leonie. Well done to the rest of the team too: Indie, Mia-Louise, Amelia, Bethany and Chloe. 

Football Tournament Goes Wrong

We were the only team to turn up to Monday's tournament at Bucklers Mead. Luckily, we were able to take 10 players which meant we got to play a 5-aside match for the duration of the event. Well done to the whole squad: Leonie, Jack, Jack, Oscar, Bowen, Harry, Henry, Thomas, Dexter and Joe. 

First Football Fixture

Well done to the football team who travelled to Preston Primary for a tough fixture after school on Thursday. Although the team played really well, we lost the match. A special congratulations must go to Dexter and Leonie for always putting in 100% effort even though we were losing. Well done to the rest of the squad too. 

First Netball Festival Success

An amazing welcome back to sport for our netball team on Tuesday. We went to Westfield Academy for our first festival of the new year. The team were on fire and were undefeated in the whole tournament. Deservedly, our team won the festival. A massive congratulations goes to the squad: Leonie, Pippa, Mia, Bella, Jack, Joe and Oscar. 

Play leaders Announced

Newly appointed Play leaders to up their new role this week. Their first sessions were greeted with enthusiasm and laughter, as the older children shared a variety of games with KS1, that could be played during lunch play.

Play Leaders

What is a Play leader?

Play leaders are children who support other pupils on the playground, or on the field, to play games, resolve conflict peacefully and develop friendship skills.


Playleaders are:

  • able to teach and play appropriate games;
  • able to mediate and solve problems;
  • trained and  supported by Mr Gallagher and Mr Bunter.   


The competition was so tight, it came down to just one race in the end. From hobby-horse racing in preschool through water racing and sprints, the event reflected the journey the school has undergone this year in becoming a gold-level school. A highlight for many was the ice cream van visiting after the hard work of all that running! The PTFA very generously arranged for all of the children to enjoy an ice cream with many parents joining the queue too!

Well done to all children who took part and tried their best. Congratulations to Quantocks.

Cricket fixture vs Preston

On Wednesday, the cricket team took on Preston Primary at Queen Camel playing fields. The match was competitive with Preston taking the victory. Each team member represented the school well with some excellent bowling from Will and Joe and great batting from Leonie, Tom and Megan. Well done to the rest of the team: Henry, Logun, Georgia, Jack and Finley. 

Intra House Netball, Football and Cricket fixtures

On Tuesday, KS2 took part in the first of our sports days this year. Each house had a team represent them in Netball, Football and Cricket. Matches were at school and at Queen Camel playing fields and were played with great effort. The children really enjoyed themselves and it was highly competitive. Results will be revealed on the 12th of July - our official Sports Day. Well done to all those who took part and the rest of the school for supporting them. 

Year 5 and 6 Netball Fixtures

This week, our netball team have been lucky enough to be playing fixtures against St Michael Academy (one of the strongest sports school in the area). Although our school is a third of their size, we performed well in both fixtures with the result unfortunately not going our way. A massive well done must go to the Year 6's who have taken part in their final netball fixture: Henry, Finley, Will and Georgia K. Also, well done to the Year 5's who participated and, for some, who played their very first netball match: Joe, Jack, Leonie, Pippa, Marley, Mia and Bella.  

Year 3 and 4 Athletics Festival

On Wednesday, a group of year 3 and 4 girls and boys attended an athletics competition at Ansford Academy. This was an event open to all Primary Schools within the Ansford Learning Partnership.


Seven children from Countess Gytha put on their running shoes to represent the school, many of them having never entered such a competition. They all competed in at least one event, which included 60m sprint, 55m hurdles, 600m, standing long jump,  vortex throw, tennis ball throw and 4 x50m relay. Every one of them achieved either a 1st, 2nd or 3rd position in one or more events - an incredible achievement! However, their team spirit and support for each other were the things that stood out the most!


The final results were 4th for Year 3 boys, 3rd for Year 3 girls, 4th for Year 4 girls and 1st for year 4 boys. Well done and congratulations to Lucy and Jack in King Arthur class and Harry, Henry, Chloe, Emily and Freya in Excalibur class

Football Festival Winners

The girls football teams took part in a festival on Monday 13th June at Westfield Academy. We took two teams along to the tournament and the girls were brilliant. Team A managed to win the competition but both teams performed valiantly. Well done to all those who took part. 

Cricket Fixture vs Preston

The cricket team played a match against Preston Primary on Wednesday 8th June. The game was contested in great spirits and Countess Gytha scored 241 runs whilst Preston scored 217 which meant that we won by 24 runs. Great work from the team. Team captain Megan shepherded the squad expertly whilst Jack took two fantastic catches to help the team take two wickets. Finley and Henry batted excellently with 15 and 21 runs. Well done to the rest of the team too: Tom, Georgia, Leonie, Marley, Joe and Will.

Sport Outside of School Celebrated

We wanted to show the parents what fantastic sports athletes they are outside of school as well. Please take your time to watch the slide show of pictures demonstrating this. 

Cross Country County Finals

A massive congratulations goes to Henry and Mia first and foremost for qualifying for the cross country county finals. Both competed in the finals strongly with Mia finishing 30th in a Year 5/6 race with her Yeovil team finishing 3rd overall. Henry finished 8th in his race and his team managed to win. Well done to you both. You performed with great determination, courage and effort. You've made your school very proud. 

Rounders Fixture vs Kingfisher

Our team of Year 5 rounders players this week for represented the school against Kingfisher Primary. The team enjoyed the competition and played well together, some representing the school for the first time which is such great news. Well done everyone involved.


Year 3 and 4 Football Fixture vs Kingfisher

A great game was played by both schools on Tuesday night. Countess Gytha roared into a 3-0 lead in the first quarter but Kingfisher scored some amazing goals to stay in the game. After some great changes by coach Mr Bunter, Countess Gytha won the match 7-3. Well done in particular to the Year 3 boys, Jack and Thomas, who both played well with amazing passing and dribbling skills on display. A great job by the whole team: Freya, Dexter, Dexter, Harry, Henry, Wesley, Cooper, Jack and Thomas. 

Football Fixture at Kingfisher

What an amazing victory for our Year 4 and 5 team at Kingfisher Primary. We won 13 - 0 with some excellent play from our squad. Leonie's hard tackling, Joe's calm passing and Bowen's incredible skills really stood out to Mr Gallagher. Well done to the whole squad: Oscar, Jack, Bowen, Joe, Leonie, Dexter, Harry and Henry. 


What an amazing day for the netball team on Tuesday. They travelled to Taunton Vale Sports Club to take part in the County Finals tournament for Netball. The team were sensational and won the whole event. Well done to Will for getting picked for player of the tournament and congratulations to Mia, Georgia, Leonie, Pippa, Henry and Finley for being part of the team.

Football Match vs Milford Primary

A great win for the football team on Wednesday as we played a home fixture against Milford Primary. The team started strongly, going into an early lead with a fine left-footed strike from Henry. He added his second moments later latching onto a cross. We continued our dominance in the first 15 minutes with an outstanding solo goal by Finley: running the whole length of the pitch to put the team 3-0 up. Bowen scored a wonderful half volley and then stepped up for a 20 yard free kick and lashed it into the top corner. The game finished 7-1 which the squad were happy with. Overall the team did great particularly Henry (year 4) and Joe and Oscar (year 5) with some great passing. Will, Logun, Tom and Leonie were impressive with their tackling and hard work. Great match!

County Finals here we come!

What a performance from the netball team at Bucklers Mead on the 29th March. We competed in the area finals against six other schools on Tuesday. The team were incredible; winning the first two matches 3-0 and 6-1. We lost against Chard and then went on to win the next two matches 7-1 and 10-0. This meant that we needed to win the final match against Norton to qualify. The team performed heroically and we won 4-3. Amazing work from all of the team: Pippa, Leonie, Georgia, Finley, Will, Henry and Mia. We look forward to the next stage in the competition. 

Year 3 and 4 Football Tournament

Massive congratulations to the Year 3 and 4 football team for taking part in a football tournament at Bucklers Mead. Although we only had seven due to last minute illnesses, the team did themselves proud against much larger schools. We won 1 match, drew 2 and lost 2. Brilliant effort from the boys without any subs. Particularly impressive was  Jack in year 3 who performed excellently. Well done all. 

Year 3 and 4 Hockey Festival

A huge well done to the two teams who played in a hockey festival at Sherborne Girls School. The teams finished 2nd and 4th respectively. Mr Bunter signalled out Dexter and Chloe who performed excellently throughout but was impressed by all children. Congratulations all who took part.

Girls Futsal

A huge well done goes to the two girls football teams who played in a festival of Futsal at Westfield Academy on 17th March. Both teams worked incredibly hard and made some hard tackles. A massive congratulations goes to Bethany for her two well taken goals and Amelia for scoring too. Good work all! 

Year 4/5/6 Football

Well done to the players who took part in a football tournament at Bucklers Mead. Mr Gordon was impressed with the hard tackling of Bethany, the skills of Harry and the Leonie's effort. Congratulations all who participated.

Cross Country

Well done to all the participants in this week's Cross Country event at Bucklers Mead School. You all represented the school with great courage, teamwork and lots and lots of sweat. Mr Bunter was incredibly proud of how each child supported one another in every race: especially Leonie helping one of her classmates around the course. A special congratulations goes to Henry in Year 6 for finishing 3rd place in his race. Well done all and we look forward to seeing you try again next month.

Fair Play and Commitment Award Winners

Football Team

Well done to all the boys who competed in a festival at Bucklers Mead on Monday 28th February. We played four games in awful conditions against Martock, Oaklands, Birchfield and Milford. The team performed really well winning 4-0 in their first match. We drew the second game and lost the final two. Finley in centre midfield and Joe at the back performed brilliantly and deserve a special mention. Jack's excellent saves really impressed Mr Gallagher too. Well done to the team: Finley, Henry, Bowen, Tom, Will, Joe, Jack, Logun and Oscar.

Hockey Team

Congratulations to our Hockey team who competed in a festival at Westfield Academy on Thursday 17th February. We played four games against local primary schools and were unbeaten: winning three matches and drawing one. Well done to Bowen for scoring two goals, Indie for her determination and Finley for his leadership whilst captaining the team. All in all, the team performed brilliantly and should be incredibly proud. 

Girls Football Team

Congratulations to the girls who took part in a festival at Westfield Academy on the 14th February. This was their first ever match together and they certainly made the school proud. We played 3 matches: winning one, drawing one and losing one. A special mention must go to Josie for a wonderful solo goal, Abbie for her excellent goalkeeping and Leonie for her hard tackling. Well done all!

Fair Play and Commitment Award Winners

Harry and Pippa were delighted to receive their sporting awards in assembly this week, for their outstanding efforts in their team matches this week. Well done to you both!

Year 5/6 Netball Team

Congratulations to the netball team. They took part in a festival on the 10th February at Westfield Academy, playing 7 games against local primary schools. We performed brilliantly: winning 5 games and losing 2. We scored 22 points across the tournament bettering our 4 points from last time. A massive well done must go to Georgia and Finley for their outstanding shooting, scoring 7 and 8 respectively. 

Year 3/4 Football Team

The team travelled to Bucklers Mead for a football festival on Monday 7th February. The team were unbeaten in their 5 games, winning 3 and drawing 2. All of the team performed exceptionally well and Mr Bunter was really impressed with the year 3 children who all played with determination. Well done.

First Cross Country Event of the Year

For the first time this year, children from Countess Gytha took part in the Yeovil School Games’s Cross Country event, hosted at Yeovil Showground. A staggering 22 children represented the school, with many of these finishing within the top 20 of their race categories. Irrespective of the places, it was delightful to hear the camerarderie which was shared amongst the children and the determination to put Countess Gytha firmly on the sporting map.

They did us Proud!

On Friday, the football team travelled to Strode College for the County Finals. We performed fantastically, working incredibly hard in each game. We won 1 game, drew 2 and lost 1. Henry scored a ‘cracker’ of a goal to win us a match and Finley performed with heart and determination throughout. Unfortunately, we didn’t qualify for the next stage but well done and congratulations to the whole team for finishing as the 6th best team in Somerset.

First Football Match of the Year

Countess Gytha took two football teams to Preston Primary on Wednesday for two hard fought matches. Although there were some excellent performances from our players, we unfortunately lost both games. Mr Gallagher was particularly impressed with Tom’s hard tackling, Finley’s tireless work rate and Joe’s quiet leadership. Well done to all those who took part.

Our First Sporting Tournament of the Year

 A  netball tournament was held at Westfield School, Yeovil, on Thursday this week. Selected children from Lancelot and Excalibur took part in the event and showed great determination and commitment throughout. Out of the six matches played, Countess Gytha lost 2, drew 2 and won 2 of their matches. Well done team, you showed great team spirit and grew in confidence throughout each match
