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The gallery provides an overview of the exciting opportunities and enrichment activities that make up the school year at Countess Gytha. Please head over to your class page to view more photos or  information on the opportunities/activities taken place.


Opie Art - Farewell gift bags and prints for our Year 6

International Award Achieved

Alongside our recent success stories in PE and ecological initiatives, the school has also this week received its British Council fully accredited, International Award! Our on-going partnerships with schools in Cambodia, Mexico, France and Spain continue to provide our children with the opportunities to learn about international culture and the diversity we can celebrate across the world. We will publish our feedback form here for all to read!

To celebrate, the school is going to repeat last year’s extremely successful French
Patisserie and Spanish Tapas event on Tuesday 23rd July from 1.15pm. Parents
and guardians are welcome to join their children for pastries, traditional tapas snacks as well as fresh juice, coffees and crepes in the school hall.

Our full report can be found on our International Award Page

Pottery Workshop for the School

On Thursday, we had the pleasure of being joined by George Sutton, a local artist who has a BA degree in History of Art and works locally with Douglas and Jenny who run the pottery. A great thanks must go to The Mid Somerset Arts Society who helped to organise the occasion for our school.

The children enjoyed sculpting and creating their own designs with the clay - the children showing artistic flair with their fantastic work. Each class thoroughly enjoyed their workshop with George and here are just a few of the photos from the wonderful day.



Preston Primary Trust Poetry Recital

Evie, Aurelia and Austin were excellent at the poetry recital competition this week. They got through two stages of auditions within the school to progress to the finals and perform on stage in front of parents, teachers and adults from six schools. All three of them performed amazingly, demonstrating confidence to stand up and perform in front of so many people. Well done to all three of you.

Planetarium fills our hall

We were extremely lucky this week when we took delivery of a planetarium! A planetarium is like a theatre under a dome specially designed to help the children explore astronomy, space and the night sky. 

Every class had an enjoyable experience inside the planetarium, where images appeared all around them, it certainly made them feel completely immersed in the action whilst listening to an immersive commentary. 

Land and Wave Day 1 Year 6 Residential

Our yearly residential has finally arrived! This years venue is Land and Wave in Swanage. Every Year 6 child has been able to attend ( a huge thank-you to the parents) and we are really looking forward to three days of fun in the sun. We are hoping that the children will overcome challenges, develop resilience and improve their confidence. Please view Lancelot Class page for more great photographs of the daily events that the children will be taking part in.

Childhood Mile 2024

We were glad of the return of some sunny weather, particularly today as the school celebrated Childhood Mile Day - in aid of the NSPCC. Mr Gallagher led the classes through skipping, running, dancing, hopping or walking their way to a mile, with generous donations from families we raised over £50 for the charity.

D-Day 80th anniversary

PTFA Rainbow Run - May 2024

Internet Legends Assembly with Google and Local MP


Sarah Dyke, the MP for Somerton and Frome Countess Gytha last week for an assembly designed to help the pupils become safer and more confident online.

Be Internet Legends - led by Google representatives covered the five main aspects of Internet learning that support a child’s media literacy: staying Sharp about what you’re sharing online, being Alert to scams and misinformation, using tools to keep your devices Secure, being Kind to others online, and being Brave by talking to trusted adults about problems.

After the assembly, Sarah said: “Keeping children safe online is more difficult than ever but also more important than ever. We all need to do more, so I was very pleased to see Google’s Be Internet Legends programme in action in Somerset. Education in this area is crucial. Schools are already teaching children how to be safe and responsible online, as evidenced by the level of knowledge the Countess Gytha pupils displayed today. This assembly, which was fun and interactive, reinforced that.”

We Did It!

The Eco Committee are very pleased to tell you that Countess Gytha Primary School has been successful in meeting the requirements for the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.
The panel of judges loved the variety of activities contained in our Action Plan as it perfectly
demonstrated that there are several different approaches to creating positive change
within the environment. To quote, “ Our curriculum link examples are impressively
extensive and varied, showing our school’s integration of environmental issues across a
variety of subjects and year groups. Staff members in our school have creatively included environmental issues in their teaching, and our pupils are fortunate to have teachers who plan such exceptional learning opportunities for them.”
The Eco Schools Panel had no hesitation in awarding us with an Eco-Schools Green Flag
with Distinction.

Please visit Eco School page to read full report. 

Running towards success
Huge congratulations to Grace, Emily and Thomas, representing Yeovil in the Somerset Cross Country Finals, held at Mudford Rec. They were amongst around 40 other children representing Yeovil, competing against peers from Taunton, Sedgemoor, Mendip and West Somerset. Emily finished in 24th, Thomas in 59th and Grace, an incredible 9th place! Overall, the Yeovil girls’ category Emily and Grace competed in came first and Thomas’s team came 3rd – outstanding!

Another Bookman challenge completed
Bookman flew by this week to deliver the prizes from the recent Easter Reading Challenge. Congratulations to our winners and good luck to all those taking part in the next challenge later in the summer term. Thank you to the PTFA for providing us with the Book Token prizes, Lucy and Theo were worthy winners this time around in the reading prize-draw!

Countess Gytha Feature in Times Top 500 Primary Schools!

Based on our most recent Key Stage 2 outcomes, Countess Gytha was ranked 47th out of 16,783 schools in England, putting us in the top 1% of schools. Only four other primary schools in Somerset were placed within the top 500 and we are the first school other than Preston Primary in the PPAT trust to feature in this distinguished table.We are thrilled!

We must recognise the outstanding achievement by those children as well as the excellent teaching, support and care that we provide as a whole school community.

Whether a newly-joined parent or a multi-generation family of Countess Gytha, the school could not thrive in the way it does without the incredible support of this special community – thank you

Donations are able to purchase 3 school bags 

Thank you for your generosity at the recent cake sale, with half the proceeds going to wards Comic Relief and the other half being donated to School in a Bag.This money has enabled us to help out 3 children in Tanzania.


Thank you to all those who have completed the challenge. We look forward to announcing the winners at the end of the week. Here are some of the best photos:



School Council arranged a red nose and accessory sale this week, culminating in a cake sale and non-uniform day on Friday 15th March for Red Nose Day.

Comic Relief supports incredible projects and organisations that are making a difference for people across the UK and around the world. Thank you to all supported us so generously this year! A total of £250 will be making its way to help these worthwhile projects.

Please visit class pages to enjoy many more photos from the fun day.

Science Week finishes with annual Rocket Launch

A bit of rain didn’t stop the children enjoying seeing their homemade rockets being launched at the end of Science Week! The  children built their bottle rockets at home and many added finishing touches to theirs in school. All of their hard work paid off when many were launched on Friday. If your rocket wasn’t launched because of the change in conditions don’t worry these will be launched next week - weather permitting.

Congratulations to our most recent Blue Peter Badge winners from Lancelot Class!

British Science Week

This week is Science Week! With the  overall theme of Time this year, we will be looking at how this can be represented over a variety of experiments throughout our school week. 

Excitingly, the children have taken part in many practical experiments throughout the week and have thoroughly enjoyed working together in a whole school project using plastic polymer with Mr Gordon! 

Countess Gytha Poetry Competition

Last week the school were busy at work crafting their poems for the school's annual poetry competition. This year, the theme has been 'Animals Matter'. Thank you to the lovely PTFA who have judged the poems. We announced the winners in today's assembly. Congratulations to Georgia, Jude, Charlotte, Alex, Milo, Anna, Trixie, Isabella and Lily from Merlin. Well done to Pendragon winners Freddie and Ella. From King Arthur, Molly and Austin were the winning duo. Congratulations to Phoebe and William from Excalibur class and finally well done to Jensen and Isabelle who won in Lancelot.

World Book Day

Whatever our age, we all loved dressing up on Thursday for our annual World Book Day! We shared our favourite books and stories and participated in the Eco book swap organised by The Eco Team and Mr Gallagher. The children loved sitting down in the 'reading lounge' to enjoy a quiet read and some classes even had hot-chocolate and biscuits! 

Thank you so much to the PTFA for gifting the books for the prizes for the Best Dressed in each class. The costumes looked incredible. We even had a special visitor to give out the prizes! Bookman commented on the outstanding efforts from the children.


Caring and Sharing Rail Proves Popular

Our rail took pride of place in the bike shelter on Monday this week! We were thrilled to be able to place 25 coats on the rail  for families to help themselves. A total of 10 coats have found new homes and we have added another 10 to the rail on Friday.

School Council donate a set of books to each class

Following a recent fund raising event, The School Council was delighted to purchase a set of books for each class, in readiness for World Book Day next week. Happy reading  everyone!

Eco - Council gift plants to classes

Thanks to the Eco-Council, each class now have a new addition! Classes will take on the responsibility for caring for and nurturing their newly acquired plant.They will set up a rota for watering their plants and we all look forward to watching our plants grow over the next few months.

Celebrating Mardi Gras 2024

Better late than never, Excalibur and Lancelot children celebrated Mardi Gras this week. The actual date for Mardi Gras is always held on Shrove Tuesday, so unfortunately due to this being in half term this year our festivities had to wait until this week. The children researched what happens on Mardi Gras and why it is celebrated, whilst adorning masks, headdresses and beads. They are looking forward to sampling some King Cake next week to complete their topic.

School Choir perform at Westlands Entertainment Centre - please visit choir tab to view videos of event

Noah celebrates winning a Silver Blue Peter Badge!

We were all delighted to hear the news that Noah had not just been awarded one B.Je Peter Badge but two! Noah submitted a beautiful drawing which gained a badge but also told his story about his family being a foster family and how this impacts his daily life and what he does to help all new family members. We are very proud of your achievements Noah. Well done and we hope your story inspires others.

Our New Chinese Dragon Takes Centre Stage

This week saw the whole school coming out to celebrate Lunar New Year. The school was decorated with Chinese themed decorations and a small window display in the hall housed our wishing tree this year, alongside other Chinese pieces.

The celebrations came to a finale with Lancelot and Merlin Classes taking part in a dragon dance at the end of the school day in front of parents and their families.

Chinese New Year 2024

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Autumn Term Bookman Challenge Winners - Congratulations

Blue Peter Winner announced in Assembly this week.

 Mollie was very excited to receive a very special Christmas card this year. In the card was a letter from the Blue Peter presenters congratulating her on achieving the Blue Peter Badge for her effort in reading. The badge was designed by Sir Quentin Blake and we are sure this will inspire others in trying to achieve a Blue Peter badge in the future. Watch this space for a School Councils idea for 2024!

Lancelot Class send their completed recipe books to Spain, Cambodia,, Mexico and France.

Autumn 2023

Merry Christmas from all at Countess Gytha!

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KS2 Christmas Carol Concert

End of Term Book Look with Parents

Lancelot Class prepare their own Christmas Lunch

School Choir perform at Village Christmas Cafe

Whole School Christingle Service

Bookman Bookmark Challenge Winners!

This term, Bookman's Bookmark Challenge has been motivating children to read different books. The nine challenges had to be completed before Christmas. The challenges included: reading a house book; reading a mystery book; reading a book with illustrations and many more. Each child who completed the challenge was put into Santa's hat before Bookman himself pulled out the four winners. Well done to Olivia, Emily, Elsie and Ben for winning the £10 book vouchers!


Pudsey pays a surprise visit to say Thank-you!

On Wednesday, we were all surprised when we spotted a familiar yellow bear roaming our corridor. Pudsey had found his way to Countess Gytha to say a huge thank-you to all the children and staff for their wonderful donation of £270 in aid of Children in Need this year.


The Pantomime comes to Countess Gytha - Beauty and the Beast

Bursting with energy, magic and fun, the M and M Pantomime production provided a colourful, musical and dynamic theatrical experience for the whole school; children & teachers alike this week.

“The panto in school this morning was amazing! Watching the children it is clear that we are building life long memories. Sheer joy and excitement on every face including Y6 who are not too cool for panto time!” Roll on next years performance…

 Non school uniform donations pour in to support PTFA Christmas Fair

What a fun start to a Friday! The whole school came to school today wearing a colour related to their donated item for the Christmas Fair. A huge thankyou for all the wonderful, colourful donations and we hope to see you all at the fair on December 1st.

Aim High Writing Course

Four children were invited to a writing day with author and teacher Paul Nolan. Paul taught the children his 6 tension techniques for creating pulsating action in their own sequences. Ben, Rothen, Chloe and Evie then created an action-packed story sequence of their own. The children had a great day and some even purchased Demons in Dunkirk - a book written by Paul.

Children in Need raises over £200!

Every year we support BBC Children in Need. There are so many reasons why this charity is such an important one and all the money we raise helps to support many children and families in need. Following their successful cupcake bake, School Council raised £70 to add to the already great total, taking us over the £200 mark this year. Thank-you to everyone who donated and who came to school dresses in  their CIN attire!

Anti-Bullying Week

Monday 13th November marked the start of Anti-Bullying Week and of course odd sock week. This is a national event all about celebrating what makes someone unique. It's organised by the Anti-Bullying Alliance which is a group of organisations, charities and individuals who work together to try and stop bullying.

School Council Celebrate successful evening at the Bingo!

Thank you to all who attended tonight’s Bingo organised by the School Council to raise funds for the school! There were some incredible prizes up for grabs so thank you again to those who donated towards the hampers. It was an incredibly popular (and successful!) event, which we are looking forward to running again next year – a huge thank you to Mr Gordon who became our bingo caller for the event! A total of £725 was raised for our school funds. 

Cool Aeronautics Day

Year 5 and 6 enjoyed our Cool Aeronautics Day with Leonardo on Thursday. Each group was tasked with building rollercoasters and boats to escape an evil Egyptian pharoah! The children had a great day learning about structural engineering and developed crucial teamwork skills needed when working with others. 



Today, the Gytha Troop children were invited to attend the Remembrance Service at RNAS Yeovilton. They were able to observe the two minutes silence and watch the wreaths being placed in commemoration of our fallen service men and women. 

Year 6 lead Whole School Remembrance Service

Celebrating Our Recent Successes! Western Gazette article

1940s makes a return in more ways than one!
The Lancelot children cracked secret codes, cooked trench stew, baked wartime cookies and made gas mask boxes and identity cards. We were also incredibly fortunate to receive not one but two visitors - Pat and Grace who were children during the war. We asked them questions about their experiences as evacuees and they retold their wartime stories. We also played 1940s games – pickup sticks and dominoes – and created our own WW2 game called Victory. Overall, the day was very special and the children's efforts with their outfits was great to see!

End of term Glow Disco brightens the day!
Children across the school have loved the PTFA Glow Disco tonight and were dressed to impress with some serious moves to go with their amazing neon and UV gear. Thank you to the PTFA for organising another great event.

# Hello Yellow 2023

Pupils at Countess Gytha brightened their day on Tuesday with a splash of yellow for youth mental health charity YoungMinds’ campaign in support of young people’s mental health.

Students and staff dressed in yellow as part of YoungMinds’ #HelloYellow campaign which called on people to stand together in support of young people struggling with their mental health, to show they matter and deserve the help they need, when they need it, no matter what.


Castle Cary Carnival 2023

Wearing costumes designed by Mr Plumbley and made by the children, 30 Mr Men and Little Miss characters graced the streets of Castle Cary on Saturday evening. Accompanied  by their parents and teachers, the children danced, waved and interacted with the crowd during the 90. Knute walk through the Main Street of Cary.

We are awaiting the official results of the carnival but please enjoy our video and photos of our event.

Mr Men and Little Misses of Countiess Gytha 2023

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Visit to Number 10 Downing Street

Year 5 and 6 were thrilled to have the opportunity to visit London this week and particularly inside 10 Downing Street. The visit was part of an initiative set by The Prime. Minister’s  wife and The National Farmers Union. Children were asked to use fresh produce and to collaborate together to design a canapé for Mrs Murty.

During the visit to the Prime Minister’s  residence, members of the School Council and Eco Committee delivered a hand written letter regarding the plight of our wildlife due to plastic pollution.

The day was completed by a walking tour of some of the famous landmarks of our capital city. It goes without saying what an memorable day it was for the children but also for the adults attending as well.

National Poetry Day!

On Thursday, the school celebrated National Poetry Day by taking part in poetry inspired lessons. Classes wrote poems, performed poems, explored some of their favourite poets and went to an assembly where Mr Gallagher read his favourite poem, 'Chocolate Cake' by Michael Rosen.

Science lesson sends heart beats racing!

Lancelot Class continued their topic of the human body this week with taking a closer look at the heart…literally! Using a pigs heart, the children looked carefully at the structure and which parts resembled that of a human heart.

International week of Languages . Monday 25th September 

Tuesday this week saw the whole school celebrate Languages. 
Exposing children to other cultures and ways of life that are different from their own increases their breadth of life, experience of and understanding of the world around them.

Exposing pupils to a wide range of cultures provides an excellent platform on which to embrace diversity, both within school and in the wider community. with this in mind the school took part in activities that explored and celebrated cultural differences and this provided us the opportunities to promote respect, empathy and inclusivity. The focused countries this year were Merlin - 🇮🇹 , Pendragon - 🇩🇰 , King Arthur - 🇪🇸 , Excalibur- 🇬🇷  and Lancelot - 🇫🇷 .


Jeans for Genes Day raises £70

Our new School Council representatives were thrilled to count the donations  for their first organised charity event this year. Thank you to all who supported the event and wore their jeans to school. We are delighted to send £70 to the charity this year.

Lancelot Class ‘enjoy’ a little taste of France!

In readiness for next week language celebrations, Lancelot pupils had the opportunity to taste a French classic - Snails! Many were surprised to think they actually tasted ok and not what they had expected at all!

Language Ambassadors help prepare for  Language Week of Languages
The flags are flying once again at Countess Gytha and that’s because next Tuesday, we have our European Day of Languages. Children are invited to wear clothes in the colours of the flag their class have chosen. We look forward to enjoying a day full of leaning about new cultures and languages.

School Council Representatives

House Captains

School Prefects

Language Ambassadors

Bookman's Summer Reading Challenge

Well done to all those completed this challenge - it's great to see your passion for reading continues in the Summer holidays. The amount of books each of you have read is wonderful. Keep up the great work for this year!

Summer 2023

Year 6 say a fond farewell to Countess Gytha

What a busy final week Year  6 have had! Starting off with Bikeability for many, followed by our leavers service on Wednesday the children were fully immersed in their final days as Year 6. Thursday saw a treasure hunt using their orienteering skills around the village and this culminated into the final day, where many of the leavers took to the stage in our annual Gytha has talent show! We are so very proud of each and everyone of you and look forward to hearing about your continuing successes.

Gytha has talent!

Friday saw the end of term come to an end with a fantastic showcase of the differing talents we have at Countess Gytha! The children presented their talents with passion and gusto; from break dancing to gymnastic routines, singing to comedy. The event really showcased the camaraderie and spirit our children show to one another.Well done to all that took part this year.

End of term Hawaiian themed disco

Summer Fair

A huge well done to the PTFA, for organising a fun filled Summer Fair this year. The children enjoyed country dancing display,a bouncy castle, rides on a donkey, eating candy floss and even throwing wet sponges at staff in the special ‘Stock Car Challenge!’ Thank you to all who supported the event and a special well done to all the year 5 children who completed their fiver challenge.

Poetry Slam

A select few travelled to Dillington on Tuesday to represent the school in a Poetry slam. The children performed 'Dreamer' by Brian Moses and learnt a lot about performing poems with a workshop by A.F Harold. Well done to Ben, Evie and William (and Mia who unfortunately practised the poem but wasn't able to come).

International Cuisine enjoyed by many!
It was wonderful to see so many families enjoying international culture together as part of our French Café and Spanish Merienda Tapas restaurant on Tuesday! Children and parents were treated to a range of cultural foods as well as enjoying music and street scenes of Paris was great to hear the children use their known phrases in French and Spanish to ask for food and to meet and greet their families.

Preston Primary Academy Trust Poetry Recital Competition

Well done to Mia, Betsy and Harrison who represented the school in a poetry recital competition this week. Mia performed 'Double Double Toil and Trouble'. Betsy wowed the audience with 'It's Behind You' and Harrison performed 'Boast.' All of them performed their poems fantastically and the event was a great success. 

Harrison reciting his poem!

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Mia reciting her poem!

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Kilve Court Residential - Year 6

This week Year 6 children had the incredible opportunity to take part in a 4 day residential to Kilve Court. This allowed the children to experience activities, they may never have tried before, such as abseiling, high rope challenge, grass sledging to name a few. It was an excellent opportunity for them to challenge themselves and work together as part of a team.

This experience also gave them the chance to develop a range of key skills such as independence, accuracy, collaboration, resilience and reflection. The children were a credit to the school with many of the instructors commenting on their politeness and great behaviour throughout the week. Well done Lancelot! Please visit Lancelot class page to view photographs taken throughout the week.

Somerset Children's Parliament

Five Year 6 children are representing the school for the Somerset Children's Parliament competition on Friday. For this project, the children had to create a presentation about 'Children as Changemakers'. 

At first, the team (Josie, Bella, Marley, George and Georgia) researched many inspirational figures who have changed the world as children including: Malala Yousafzai, Greta Thunberg, Molly Wright and Marley Dias. Inspired by Marley Dias the most, the children have been working incredibly hard over the past month to be ready for their big presentation. The children organised a non-school uniform day in order to raise funds for their Diversity book shelf. Thank you so much to the community who donated £1 and the children raised £143. Books have now arrived and the display is up in the library ready for the children and parents to use. 

Coronation Celebrations!

Pitted against the weather , children shone through in their Coronation Celebrations! After enjoying a whole-school Coronation-Special lunch, the children were tasked with volunteering around the community. The school sent a group to the day centre in Queen Camel as well as classes of litter pickers across the village – we look forward to further outings as the weather improves in the later half of the term!
From the rousing performance of the national anthem, the stirring choir song, “To the Sound of Trumpets” to the fabulous country dancers performing a Circassian Circle around Camilla the Camel (Queen Camel – get it!?) the school really marked the occasion well. The crown jewel of the afternoon had to be the whole school covering Queen’s – We Will Rock You but written to become King – We Will Crown You! The children departed in the
highest of spirits along with their souvenir Coronation coin, presented by members of the community and Parish Council.

Please visit class pages for more fantastic photos of the day.

Countess Gytha children singing "King" - We Will Crown You!

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Mr and Master Mercury, aka Mr B and Oscar R strutting their moves

Race for Life total amazes us all! Updated total £4000!

The biggest event of the week has to be mthis year’s Race for Life event! Children raised sponsorship money in readiness for undertaking a 2km race around the school field. Even the sun put in an appearance for the event which all thoroughly enjoyed.Well done to all who made it around the course, including over 20 parents! Collectively, the total now stands at a staggering £2500 – truly incredible – what a community we have here at Countess Gytha!

Visitor leaves children inspired and motivated

An ex pupil of Mrs Sherry visited Year 5 and 6 this week, as part of their PSHE lesson and Inspiring Futures initiative. Elise Hayward, a non-verbal motivational speaker shared her own personal journey - including being born with cerebral palsy and how she has overcome    difficulties throughout her life but maintaining a clear goal in becoming an advocate for inclusion.

Lancelot enjoy a day out at Huish Park

The children of Lancelot enjoyed spending the afternoon with their teachers on Saturday! Thanks to their classmate Mia, who recently won tickets for the whole class to attend Yeovil v Oldham, children were in full voice cheering on their local team! Alas, this was not enough as Yeovil unfortunately lost 3-0. A great afternoon was had by all that attended and fingers crossed we can attend another match in the future.

Year 4 & 5 enjoy all the fun @ LEGOLAND!

The LEGOLAND Windsor trip on Thursday, provided Year 4 and 5 the ability to engage and explore through creative and imaginative play. They enjoyed many of the theme parks exciting rides and were transported to a mini land where they were immersed in the landmarks of different countries around the world! This was combined with an interactive educational workshop where the  children were able to build and design a LEGO Rollercoaster ( as part of their DT and Science curriculum) and explore how forces and energy act upon them. What a truly memorable day for the children … and of course the adults too!

Bookman Challenge Voucher Winners - Congratulations Albert and Lucy.

Bookman visits again - well done for taking part in the Easter reading challenge.

Bookman Easter Challenge

Well done to the children in the school who completed the Bookman Easter Challenge. Here are some selected photos to see the challenge in action.

Spring 2023

Week 12

What an eggstremely busy last week of term. Unfortunately, due to our inclement  weather our Easter service was held at school. Each class played their part to ensure the celebration was a great success.

The winners of the SSAFA  Easter egg design were announced on Friday, with individuals winning an Easter Egg. Congratulations to all that entered their design.

Book Club Trip

Year 3 and Lancelot Book club visited Castle Cary Library on Friday to enjoy a new environment for our meetings. They had a lovely time reading to one another and exploring the shelves. The children also visited the local book shop and got themselves a treat at the bakery. 

PTFA Colour Run

Friday saw Countess Gytha hold their first ever colour run. Well when we say colour....mud was definitely the order of the day.The weather however didn't dampen the spirts of the children or their parents that participated /spectated. It was truly a memorable event and one that the children will remember for a very long time. Thank you to the PTFA for organising and to the parents for supporting the event.

Week 11

Yeovil Community Arts Assoc.Writing Award

Huge congratulations to Mia (Lancelot Class Year 6) who won the Yeovil Community Arts Association writing award this week. She wrote a beautiful story called 'Reach for the Stars' and went to the awards ceremony today at Yeovil Library. The mayor was in attendance and helped to present Mia with her prize - a £30 book voucher. Amazingly, Mia has also won free tickets for the whole class for the last home game for Yeovil Town football club against Oldham (further details will follow in a letter). Well done Mia - you've made your whole class incredibly proud.

Local Artist - Charlotte - visits and inspires future artist in Year 5 & 6

Week 10

Countess Gytha Inspiring Futures Initiative

As part of the PSHE curriculum in Years 5 and 6, the school welcomed its first career advocates who are part of the school’s programme to develop aspirations and broaden ideas in young minds for future career opportunities. This week’s guests were two General Practitioners from our neighbours, at Queen Camel Medical Centre. The children were talked through a day in the life of a GP and performed daily GP tasks on one another, such as measuring blood oxygen levels and blood pressure!

Red Nose Day 2023

Crowning a busy week at school, Red Nose Day 2023 was celebrated in style! Children wore their red-themed MUFTI with pride and enjoyed fun- themed activities throughout the day such as pin the nose on the headteacher and guess the amount of red in a jar! Please visit class pages to view more fantastic photos

Science Week

Children have enjoyed additional science activities throughout the week in classes, culminating in a rocket launch and a superb science activity afternoon. This year’s theme was Connections and teachers worked hard to think of as many unique activities which connected in some way. With over 100 in attendance, it was a wonderful afternoon for all to share in their science knowledge.

Week 9
Even if the temperature outside is numbing fingers once again, our eco committee of the School Council can confirm that the school’s heating system is keeping minds focussed on learning! The trust are currently undertaking an energy audit of each school to understand the best use of resources in each building and how to further improve our eco credentials. Jack is happy to report that the underfloor heating is certainly doing its job as we work through this cold snap.

Western Gazette Famous!

Week 8 - WORLD BOOK DAY 2023

From the Cat in the Hat to Harry Potter, Countess Gytha pupils  dressed up as their favourite characters to celebrate World Book Day 2023.

World Book Day is an annual event which takes place across the globe to promote reading among children and young people.This year, World Book Day took place on Thursday, March 2, with an emphasis on ‘making it your World Book Day. It was lovely to see a lot more children making their own costumes this year, with help from their creative parents. Of course there was a visit from the infamous Bookman, to announce the best dressed.

Please visit class pages to see many more fantastic costumes.

Week 7

Mardi Gras and Pancake Day were the order of the day on Tuesday this week. Lancelot donned their Mardi Gras masks and beads to celebrate the day and enjoyed the traditional King Cake at the end of the day. 

Mr Gordon completed a marathon of pancake making with every child in the school and parents and grandparents were invited to join us for our pancake race to complete another great day at Countess Gytha.

Week 5

This week, the School Council were delighted to start their new idea for Friday lunchtimes - Top Table Friday. Following discussions with their peers, the council held a meeting with Mr Gordon and the lunchtime supervisors to share their ideas on how the initiative would Run and why children would be nominated (good manners and behaviour, politeness and being helpful)lWorking alongside the supervisors and staff members, the School Council will nominate a deserving child from each class who can then invite a friend to sit at the top table. The winners each week will be informed during our celebration assembly. 
Well done to Wren (Pendragon), Ella (Kimg Arthur) Frayer ( Excalibur) and Chloe (Lancelot) who are our first top table attendees.

Week 4

Wednesday, saw the whole school take part in a  workshop led by Somerset Music. The children were taught warm up techniques, how to change pitch successfully and took part in singing within  four part round. The children were fully engaged and sang enthusiastically. Mrs Sherry is looking forward to even more children wanting to sign up for the school choir!

Week 3
Language Ambassadors lead School Assembly

This Sunday marks this year’s Lunar New Year and our Language Ambassadors welcomed all to an assembly on Monday, highlighting the event of The Year of The Rabbit and what it means to those in China and around the world. Merlin class also prepared a tasty treat of Egg-Fried rice that they had prepared and shared with Mr Gordon. Xié xié!

Week 2
Books have arrived!

Thank you so much for sponsoring the children for their Bookman reading challenge. The books have arrived and have not been put on the school library system meaning your children can read, enjoy and share the books at home with you too.

Week 1
Bookman's Christmas Reading Challenge

 Thank you so much to all of the children who completed the Bookman Christmas Challenge. House points were given to the participating children in today's assembly.

The children also raised an incredible £428.80 which will be hugely helpful in revamping the children's class libraries. A huge congratulations must go to Archie H in Merlin for raising an astonishing £100 on his own. Well done, Archie. 



The gallery provides an overview of the exciting opportunities and enrichment activities that make up the school year at Countess Gytha. Please head over to your class page to view more photos or  information on the opportunities/activities taken place.

Merry Christmas!

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Remake of a Christmas Classic like you’ve never seen before!

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Week 14

Week 14 - Lancelot

What a wonderful week we've had in Lancelot. On Wednesday we have enjoyed making Christmas lunch for Mrs Green, Ms Punton-Jones and the class. We also had a very special treat when parents competed against the class in the 'Are you smarter than your 10-year old?' quiz. The children's group 'The Big Brains' won the quiz ahead of the parents group called 'No Eye Dear'. We all had a great time and thank you to all adults/parents and guardians who joined in with the fun

School Council organise hampers for less fortunate

Council representatives and staff member held an opposite advent calendar, where each day an item would be donated to the Christmas hamper box. Thanks to the generosity of all staff and council members we were able to put together three hampers. These will be distributed to families in the community who are less fortunate.

Choir entertain community at Village Hall

24 members of the KS2 choir sang Christmas Carols and modern classics to a hall filled for Christmas revellers on Tuesday. It was many of the choirs first performance in front of such a large audience and they did themselves proud. After the event, Mrs Sherry had many compliments shared with her, many saying it was the best  choir they had heard for a very long time! Well done to everyone for all their hard work and coming to all lunchtime rehearsals.

Away in a Manger

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Christmas Lunch for Children and Staff

 Children and staff from across the school sat down and enjoyed eating their special Christmas lunch today. They pulled their crackers and shared the jokes! A huge thank you to all staff who mage this luncheon so special for everyone.

Lancelot Book Club

Lancelot's Book Club have been working incredibly hard at home over the past few weeks, reading hundreds of pages and writing book reviews. The children all wrote book reviews for Adam Baron's 'Boy Under Water' and we emailed them to Adam in the hope that he would read them. Excitingly, he responded thanking the children for their enthusiasm and that he would read all of their book reviews. He is also sending book marks to them and signed book plates. What a lovely man. Thanks Adam for inspiring our children to read and well done to Georgia, George (not pictured), Marley, Mia and Ben. Below you can find and read the children's book reviews. 

Week 13

A Miracle in Town

This week, Merlin, Pendragon and King Arthur classes performed their nativity production of 'A Miracle in Town'. The children have worked hard to learn all their lines and the lyrics to all of the the songs. Thank you to everyone who helped to provide costumes and also those who were able to come and support the children. They certainly raised the roof!

Please visit class pages to view more photos

Week 12

A gift from all at Countess Gytha to our friends at St Barnabas

Every pupil has decorated an individual lolly stick over the past few weeks, in their own personal way. Symbols of Christianity were a clear favourite, with brightly coloured rainbows too. The sticks were then woven together, to form a cross.

During our Christingle service, members from the School Council presented the cross to the church, which will be hung so that all visitors to the church can share its beauty.

Countess Celebrate Christingle With Community

 On Thursday afternoon, the whole school, along with preschoolers, walked down to St Barnabas church to celebrate the start of Advent and Christingle. We were thrilled to see so many parents able to join us for the service. Mr Gordon and Julie led the service and the children performed poems, Bible readings, prayers, artwork and told the congregation the meaning of Advent.

Please visit class pages to see  ore wonderful photos from our service.

Leonardos Cool Aeronautics Day

Children  from Excalibur and Lancelot, enjoyed a fun filled day of creativity on Wednesday this week. With guidance from Leaonardo apprentices, the children tried really hard to design a car powered by air and also a bridge to carry the weight of their vehicle. Each group demonstrated team work throughout, with the eventual winners being The Percy Pigs!

Aladdin flies in on magic carpet!

This week saw the return visit of M and M productions, to share their latest pantomime- Aladdin. The school hall was filled with laughter, singing and some tremendous dance moves, not only by the cast but also Mrs Trusson and Mr Gallagher! A huge thank you for starting our  Christmas festivities again and we look forward to Beauty and The Beast next year!

Week 11

Children Celebrate England Win

Whether making their own version of table top football this afternoon or viewing the England v Iran match, all the children had a fun and enjoyable day!.

Week 10

Going Spotty for Children in Need - We Raised £92.50!

Lancelot Class travel back in time!

On Thursday, Lancelot class took part in an Ancient Greek day in which they celebrated their learning on the topic this term. The children cooked and ate some traditional Greek food, created a hyperlinked quiz online, played our custom Ancient Greek board games and painted vases. Please visit class page to see some truly wonderful photos. 

Librarians receive books from recent Book Fair

We were delighted to receive our free books from Scholastic Book Fair this week. A big thankyou to all who purchased books at the fair - the commission we received was £320. As you can see, the children will soon have some beautiful books lining their book shelves in their classroom.

Pupils take delivery of new Sports Bibs sponsored by DJ transport

Anti Bullying Week kicks of with Odd Sock Day!

Week 9

Remembrance Day Service 11th November

Our whole school community came together at 11 O'Clock to hold a two minute silence and mark the sacrifices of all soldiers who have fought in world wide conflicts. Mr Gordon, alongside members of Lancelot Class led the service of remembrance. The children spoke about the history of the poppy and it’s meaning, a recital of Flanders Fields and  ended the service with the exhortation. 

Hungry Caterpillar arrives in Tinker Lab!

Remembrance Day Displays installed
Finishing touches were added to all our Remembrance Day displays this week, in readiness for our service next week. Already, we have had many parents and members of the community praising the work of the children. 

Week 8

Future local councillors in the making!

The School Council, visited the Somerset Council Offices in Yeovil this week to hold their council meeting. The Chairman of the Council and other representatives praised the children highly and commented on the high calibre of the discussions that took place.

Week 7

Children enjoy UV Halloween fun - Thank-you PTFA!

Week 6

Harvest Celebrations at St Barnabas

Countess Gytha take part in Castle Cary Carnival

Cary Carnival Capers 2022

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On Saturday evening, 48 pupils along with staff and parents paraded through the streets of Castle Cary adorned in The Hungry Caterpillar costume they had helped made. Children from Foundation stage to Year 6 all played their part enormously and were cheered by onlookers through the streets.

If you would like to view the carnival, please follow link below. Countess Gytha can be found from 10 minutes 15 seconds.



Reading Buddies in action

Week 5

Celebrating Hello Yellow 2022

Week 4

Western Gazette - Celebrating European Day of Languages

English Reading and Writing Curriculum Workshop 03/10/22

Remembrance Day Art Project - Friday 30th September 

Mr Plumbley has led some Friday afternoon art sessions. All the children, who have attended so far, have participated in collaborative pieces and also some well constructed individual pieces too. Our theme is Remembrance, and we are hoping to display the finished art work very soon.  

European Day of Languages . Monday 26th September 

This week saw the whole school celebrate The European Day of Languages. 
Exposing pupils to a wide range of cultures provides an excellent platform on which to embrace diversity, both within school and in the wider community. . Exposing children to other cultures and ways of life that are different from their own increases their breadth of life, experience of and understanding of the world.

We took part in activities that explored and celebrated cultural differences and this provided us the opportunities to promote respect, empathy and inclusivity. 

Week 3

Let the Carnival preparations begin! Friday 23rd September 

This week, pupils began the initial stages of their build for this years Castle Cary carnival. Keep looking out for updates and see if you can guess our design!

Bookman visits, giving out House Points - Friday 23rd September

Following the successful Summer Reading Challenge, Bookman attended our celebration assembly this week. The children that participated were given certificates and 10 house points for every book read over the summer holidays. Well done to all the children who took part and a particular well done to Albie who gained 130 house points!

Week 2

Upper KS2 School Roles and Responsibilities 

Language Ambassadors

School Prefects

House Captains

Bookman's Summer Reading Challenge

Bookman was delighted to receive pictures from children reading books over the summer holidays. House points and certificates will be given out on Friday's celebration assembly. 

School Librarians take delivery of new books - Friday 23rd September 

We were delighted to receive a generous donation from a family that recently left Lancelot Class. It was decided that the money would be spent on new books for the classes. Our librarians were excited to take delivery of their recent book order and these books will soon find themselves sitting proud in the class library.

Week 1

Newly Appointed Language Ambassador Shares Amazing Flag Knowledge!

Malakai teaches others about flags around Europe - Friday 16th September

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