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School Council

Countess Gytha School Council 2024/2025

Welcome to our new School council members!

Welcome to our Eco Warriors

Jeans for Genes Day

Our first charity we have supported this year is Jeans for Genes. - Dance in your Denim. As a school we raised a wonderful £75. Thankyou to everyone who supported us by wearing their denim and joined Mrs Sherry to dance in their denim!

Countess Gytha School Council 2023/2024

Easter Fund raising activites

Raffle tickets are still available for the Easter Hamper, currently in the foyer. The School Council have also written to parents with an Easter holiday fundraising campaign – keep a look out for the little boxes!


School Council arranged a red nose and accessory sale this week, culminating in a cake sale and non-uniform day on Friday 15th March for Red Nose Day.

Comic Relief supports incredible projects and organisations that are making a difference for people across the UK and around the world. Thank you to all supported us so generously this year! A total of £250 will be making its way to help these worthwhile projects.

Please visit class pages to enjoy many more photos from the fun day.

School Council purchase books for each class

After our recent fund raising event, we were delighted to purchase a set of books for each class in readiness for World Book Day this year!

We welcomed a School Governor to a meeting this week 

The school council met with the school’s newest Governor on Thursday, showing Mr Straker-Nesbit the format of their meeting before turning the questions on him – I am delighted to say that he passed his ‘interview’ with flying colours!

Blue Peter Badge Winners

Blue Peter Badge Initiatives

The School Council have set an challenge following their school assembly on Monday. 

Blue Peter is a children's television programme that was first broadcast in 1958, it is now the longest-running children's TV show in the world.  You can watch Blue Peter every Thursday @ 5:00pm on CBBC. If you are a fan of the show you will know that they give out Blue Peter Badges, which are very special and can get you into lots of really cool interesting places for free. We have set a challenge for the children at Countess Gytha to see if they are able to acquire a Blue Peter Badge! We have set a challenge of20 badges between now and July. Please read the letter sent out to all households on how these can be achieved.

Children in Need 2023

Thank you for all of your kind donations towards Children in Need Day 2023, including sampling the tasty treats that the School Council had baked on Thursday especially for the occasion; the council have counted everything up and can report we raised a grand total of £210 for CIN 2023!

School Council Celebrate successful evening at the Bingo!

Thank you to all who attended tonight’s Bingo organised by the School Council to raise funds for the school! There were some incredible prizes up for grabs so thank you again to those who donated towards the hampers. It was an incredibly popular (and successful!) event, which we are looking forward to running again next year – a huge thank you to Mr Gordon who became our bingo caller for the event! A total of £725 was raised for our school funds. 

Preparations for Poppy Day

Letter to Mr Sunack re Plastic Pollution

The Eco-Committee along with School Council members took the opportunity to write a letter to The Prime Minister re their worries on plastic pollution and the environment. the letter will be hand deliver to 10 Downing Street on our visit on Friday 13th October.

Purple 4 Polio

Our whole school assembly this week was led by The Brue Rotary Club. Their topic was w 4 Polio.  The purple crocus is a symbol of a worldwide campaign to eradicate polio, with its colour representing the purple dye used to mark the finger of a child to indicate they have received their life saving oral polio vaccine. The school ha been given purple crocus bulbs to plant around the school to promote awareness and act as a reminder of this worthwhile initiative. The school council will be helping to raise money for this worthwhile cause in the spring term.  

Jeans for Genes Day September 20th - School Council Organise their 1st event

Jeans for Genes works to support the genetic conditions community by providing essential grants, signposting and practical help to grass roots organisations.
School Council visited each class to collect the donations today and then at playtime counted the money collected. We were able to raise £70. Thank you for everyone’s generosity.

Our School Councillors

Our Terms of Reference for 2023/2024

Countess Gytha School Council

Terms of Reference

Our Vision

  • Allow all children to feel they are listened to and their opinions cared about.
  • Act as role models, looking after the world in which we live.
  • Lead the way in teaching others about caring for the environment.
  • Make a difference one small step at a time
  • Have a positive impact on the experiences of our peers.
  • Improve on the playtime experiences of everyone at Countess Gytha.
  • Make everyone at our school feel welcome.
  • Build on enthusiasm for learning amongst our peers through themed days.
  • Encourage children to follow their passions though initiatives such as After School Clubs


Roles and Responsibilities

  • Attend regular school council meetings.
  • Be role models for our peers and in class and around the school
  • Report back to our classes following meetings
  • Take it in turns to report to Foundation Stage children. 
  • Be visible to other students to take suggestions on School Council matters. 
  • Listen to and encourage others to share their views and bring these to meetings.
  • Ensure our School Council display is kept up to date. 

Meeting Arrangements

  • Meet at Countess Gytha at least once every 3 weeks. 
  • Meetings facilitated by Mrs Sherry


I have understood these terms of reference and I agree to uphold my role as a member or the Countess Gytha School Council.
I understand my role and the responsibilities that I have. 


King Arthur















Countess Gytha School Council 2022/2023

Race for Life total reaches a staggering £4,100!

School Council Representatives present peers with Race for Life medals

Make A Wish - Easter Hamper Raffle collected a staggering £110

School Council make and decorate cakes to sell in aid of Red Nose Day 2023 - £45 collected. Thank you

To celebrate RND, School Council Eco team plant a flower seeded red nose to attract 🦋 and 🐝

School Council - Eco members- help with energy audit

Even if the temperature outside is numbing fingers once again, our eco committee of
the School Council can confirm that the schools heating system is keeping minds
focussed on learning! The trust are currently undertaking an energy audit of each school to understand the best use of resources in each building and how to further improve our eco credentials. Jack is happy to report that the underfloor heating is certainly doing its job as we work through this cold snap.

New Lunchtime Initiative Proves a Hit!

This week, the School Council were delighted to start their new idea for Friday lunchtimes - Top Table Friday. Following discussions with their peers, the council held a meeting with Mr Gordon and the lunchtime supervisors to share their ideas on how the initiative would Run and why children would be nominated (good manners and behaviour, politeness and being helpful)lWorking alongside the supervisors and staff members, the School Council will nominate a deserving child from each class who can then invite a friend to sit at the top table. The winners each week will be informed during our celebration assembly. 
Well done to Wren (Pendragon), Ella (Kimg Arthur) Frayer ( Excalibur) and Chloe (Lancelot) who are our first top table attendees.

Thank you letters received from our community

Opposite Advent Calendar will provide essentials for Christmas 

School council organised an opposite advent calendar, where council members  and staff donated Christmas items for a hamper. The donations were so generous we were able to make three hampers. These hampers will be given to three families in the community to make Christmas a little brighter for them.

Our British Values Display

School Council create Pudsey face with Children in Need donations

School Council visits Local Council
On Tuesday 1st November, we had the opportunity to hold our council meeting at our local council offices in Yeovil. We were greeted by the Chairman of the council and also other council representatives.

Georgia held the position of our chairperson for this meeting and all other  council members conducted the meeting with confidence and enthusiasm. As you can see from the photos, they thoroughly enjoyed sitting in the seats of power, using the microphones and also having the opportunity to wear the chain of office.

The Votes Are In!

Following the whole school voting for their favourite charity, we are pleased to announce that The Make a Wish Foundation will be the nominated charity for Countess a Gytha this Year. A council representative will be informing the foundation of their winning nomination, over the next week.

Representatives visit classes to vote for School Charity

Jeans for Genes Day September 20th September

Jeans for Genes works to support the genetic conditions community by providing essential grants, signposting and practical help to grass roots organisations.
School Council visited each class to collect the donations today and then at playtime counted the money collected. We were able to raise £55. Thank you for everyone’s generosity.


What is the School Council?

A new school council is elected each year, with every class from Year 1 to Y6 nominating representatives. This creates a central group that speaks on behalf of the whole school and makes decisions about school life. We value the opinions of our pupils and the School Council gives pupils a forum to share these opinions with the Headteacher and other members of staff.

Here at Countess Gytha our school council members have three key areas that they will help support, Pupil Forum, Curriculum and Learning and Eco Warriors.


Mrs Sherry - School Council (Staff representative)

I am very proud to lead our School Council. We have amazing children in our school who have lots of great ideas on how we can work together to make a better school.  They do all the hard work and like to get involved as much as possible. We have children from Year 6 all the way down to Year 1 represented in our council this year. We want to make sure that all children’s voices are heard in our school.  We meet every 3/4 weeks to discuss ideas and events and then each class representatives feeds back to their classes. I am very fortunate to work with a great group of children this year and I know we are going to achieve a lot for our school!

Our Terms of Reference for 2022/2023

Countess Gytha School Council

Terms of Reference

Our Vision

  • Allow all children to feel they are listened to and their opinions cared about.
  • Act as role models, looking after the world in which we live.
  • Lead the way in teaching others about caring for the environment.
  • Make a difference one small step at a time
  • Have a positive impact on the experiences of our peers.
  • Improve on the playtime experiences of everyone at Countess Gytha.
  • Make everyone at our school feel welcome.
  • Build on enthusiasm for learning amongst our peers through themed days.
  • Encourage children to follow their passions though initiatives such as After School Clubs


Roles and Responsibilities

  • Attend regular school council meetings.
  • Be role models for our peers and in class and around the school
  • Report back to our classes following meetings
  • Take it in turns to report to Foundation Stage children.
  • Be visible to other students to take suggestions on School Council matters.
  • Listen to encourage others to share their views and bring these to meetings.
  • Ensure our School Council display is kept up to date.

Meeting Arrangements

  • Meet at Countess Gytha at least once every 3 weeks.
  • Meetings facilitated by Mrs Sherry


I have understood these terms of reference and I agree to uphold my role as a member or the Countess Gytha School Council.
I understand my role and the responsibilities that I have.


King Arthur














