Classic Teacher: Mrs King
Class TAs: Mrs Feierabend , Ms Ellis-Martin and Mrs Black (1:1)
Autumn 2 Week 7
During this last week of term Pendragon have got stuck into some Christmas crafting. They have carefully created salt dough tree hangings and taken pride over writing their Christmas cards.
Pendragon also had the opportunity to visit the Church for a workshop about the Christmas story. Each section of the Christmas story was represented by an interactive task, which was great fun and insightful. A big thank to everyone at the Church for such a fantastic morning.
Autumn 2 Week 6
The penultimate week of term has certainly been busy and fun. This week Pendragon performed their incredible Nativity three times. All of Pendragon performed incredibly well and should be very proud of themselves.
A lovely Christmas lunch was served in the hall and the Christmas crackers were enjoyed by all. We rounded of the week with a fun pantomime performance of Dick Wittinghon which proved a true highlight of the week.
Autumn 2 Week 5
What a exciting week in Pendragon class! Father Christmas arrived on a Merlin helicopter to collect all the Christmas letters from Pendragon class. A definite highlight for this term.
The busy week continued with our Christingle service at the church. After creating the Christingle oranges at school, each orange was lit during the church service to representing the light of the world. Children from pendragon read prayers during the service alongside a collaborative art piece which represented Gods creations, unity and the love of Christ.
Autumn 2 Week 4
Pendragon had a surprise visitor this week. Pudsey Bear!
A truly exciting visitor during Pendragons busy nativity rehearsals.
Thank you Pudsey Bear!
Pendragon have been working really hard writing their letters to Santa. In DT this week children created beautiful envelopes.
Autumn 2 Week 3
This week Pendragon thoroughly enjoyed a trip to the cinema to watch Despicable Me 4 which linked into one of our PSHE themes of friendship. The trip was a great success and enjoyed by all.
Autumn 2 Week 1
After attending a whole school assembly which focused on remembrance day, Pendragon spent the afternoon taking part in remembrance activities. The children drew poppies, pictures of peace and listened to poems.
Throughout this week in Pendragon each child has placed a poppy on the schools memorial which is proudly situated at the entrance of the school.
Lily flew the flag proudly on behalf of Pendragon Class this weeend when she took part in the Castle Cary Carnival with the rest of the Countess Gytha Carnival Club. Well done Lily, Mrs Sherry and Mr Gordon were very proud of you as we all are in Pendragon Class.
In art Pendragon have been looking at line and shape. The children created beautiful artwork to share with everyone during the harvest festival.
Pendragon have also participated in Hello Yellow Day which took place on World Mental Health Day.
Congratulations to Lily and Anna who have been voted Pendragon’s School Council representatives for this year. The girls will attend meeting once every half term and report back the items discussed at the meeting to the rest of the class.
Pendragon really enjoyed their art workshop where children had the opportunity to use junk modelling techniques to create houses inspired by this term's topic, The Great Fire of London. Daryl's workshop allowed the children to experience the creative process of drawing, sculpting, collaging, and painting. Pendragon worked collaboratively and used their imaginations to create five representations of typical houses from 1666.
The children wore jeans to school today to raise awareness of the daily challenges faced by those living with a genetic condition and also raise money to fund projects that make a tangible difference to the lives of those affected.