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Lancelot Class (Year 5 and 6)

Lancelot Class 23-24

Week. 38

Last Day for Year 6

Lancelot has Talemt!


Still image for this video

Our annual trek to the top of Cadbury Castle was a little different this year with temperatures reaching their peak of the year! After a few “Are we there yet…?” the children were able to reach the dizzy heights, so they could enjoy not only the views but everyone’s favourite…a rope swing!


Still image for this video

Bikeability Basics Completed
The last group of Year 6 completed their basic bike road safety this week. All children were able to demonstrate road safety awareness whilst riding their bikes following their training and competency course.

Science lesson goes with a bang!

Science this week was all about demonstrating how to complete and change circuits using different components. Children thoroughly enjoyed this practical investigative session and shared their plethora of hypothesis with each other.

Julian Opie Art Completed

Finishing stages were completed to the printing process of our Opie art this week.Coloured backgrounds and black silhouettes were added to the bags and prints for their final lesson with Mr Gordon.

Carnival preparations are underway...

Week 36

Stars of the Week

The Stars in Lancelot class this week are Alex P for his fantastic solo, singing and acting performance in The Golden Ticket – showstopping, Alex! Mr Gallagher has also chosen Oscar R for his wonderful performance – superstar talent, Oscar.

Well Done Henry!

Henry has received a medal of recognition from the Year 10 Students of Ansford for excellent sportsmanship at the Year 6 event this week. His glass trophy was to mark his 100th appearance for Ilchester Youth Football Club – a remarkable milestone!

Year 6 Ansford Sports Festival

 Year 6 visited Ansford Academy for their year group’s Sports Festival. It was a joyous occasion of being able to meet form tutors and sport teachers for these children in anticipation for next year, as well as enjoying a whole day of activities alongside their peer groups for next year. Mrs Sherry was very proud to accompany them for the last festival of the year

Chocolate..Chocolate..and more Chocolate!

This week saw the culmination of 8 weeks of hard work, learning lines, singing songs and making props for our end of year performance of The Golden Ticket. For many children, this was the first time they had performed in front of an audience and they really did themselves proud. Well done to all of the children that performed over the three days and we are sure there will be many more opportunities for you to take the stage when you are at secondary school.

C.W.A.B vehicle makes an appearance much to the delight of Lancelot children
GKN Bristol visited Countess Gytha this week, with the completed design of the CWAB following the initial design by Ben. It was fabulous to see the vehicle fully operational in it’s prototype state.The children were amazed by all the functionality of the vehicle and were thrilled for Ben to see his ideas come to fruition.


This week, the children have been using OS maps to understand four and six-figure grid references, symbols and key. They have built their knowledge of the United Kingdom, using maps of Snowdon, The Peak District, The Black Mountains, The Lake District and Ben Nevis.

Royal Navy Visit Lancelot

The Royal Navy Attract Coherence Team visited Lancelot on Monday afternoon. The class split into two separate groups and were both led by RN  personnel. We were given two activities to complete alongside getting know the role of our visitors and their job roles past and present in the navy. 
The children completed a STEM activity building a 6ft satellite tower and then a trip outside to launch a flare that each group had constructed from paper and sellotape! All flares hit magical heights and each team were able to successfully complete their towers.
The children were amazed by the amount of countries that our visitors had visited through their deployments and throughout continued to ask enthusiastic and thought provoking questions at the end of the session. 


Still image for this video

Week 35

Star of the Week
Our Star this week is Daisy.Daisy is always kind and helpful to her peers and the staff. She volunteers for all jobs  within the class and around school and is a great role model to others. Well done Daisy!
Worker of the Week

Evie is our Worker of the week. She is a great natural performer during our rehearsals and she has been happy to step in when others have been absent, allowing the rehearsals to continue. Great job Evie.

Lancelot form their own hustings 

The school held a micro-hustings in place of assembly on Monday and children were presented with a mixture of manifesto promises, reworded for primary-ages and then presented by 7 randomly selected candidates in Lancelot. After careful deliberation, children cast their ballots and the acting returning officer, Madamé Sherry confirmed Jack and Evie as joint-winners in a tightly contested, hung parliament draw in our celebration  assembly!

Transition morning for Lancelot 2024/2025

All children across the school enjoyed Transition Morning on Wednesday, working together with their new classmates and in some cases teachers, to get a feel for the new normal come September. Teachers were keen to give children the opportunity to talk and share about themselves as well as begin some new displays ready to ensure the classrooms will be as bright and welcoming as possible in the autumn term!

Wonkerlicious bars are very popular. Good luck everyone from the cast of The Golden Ticket

Week 34

Sports Day 2024


What an amazing day yesterday. Thank you to all of you who attended and supported the children. Lancelot had a fantastic morning taking part in netball, football and cross country. The netball and football was fiercely competitive and played in great spirits and the determination and resilience shown during cross country was highly impressive. An amazing effort by the children.

The afternoon began with the carousel of activities where all children competed in events such as javelin, obstacle course, egg and spoon, tug of war and the water run. Finally, we enjoyed and competed in our running and hurdling races culminating in some great parent and teacher races too.

Star of the Week
Congratulations to Lancelot’s Star of the Week, Isabelle. You demonstrated great determination and resilience during your cross country race on Sports Day whilst maintaining a positive attitude throughout the afternoon. Well done for being such a great influence on others.
Worker of the Week

The Worker of the Week in Lancelot is Thomas. You have also shown great determination during your cross country race on Sports Day and you have demonstrated a positive attitude to the play. Keep up the good work! 


We were extremely lucky this week when we took delivery of a planetarium! A planetarium is like a theatre under a dome specially designed to help the children explore astronomy, space and the night sky. 

Lancelot had a memorable experience inside the planetarium, where images appeared all around them, it certainly made them feel completely immersed in the action whilst listening to an immersive commentary. 

Well Done Lucy - Blue Peter badge winner for her lovely poem about her cat!

Land and Wave - Final Day

A great night sleep for all the children was followed by a breakfast of waffles and pancakes! 
A quick check that everything was packed - we can’t guarantee in the correct cases - and then a quick trip in the minibus to our coasteering activity. As in all our activities a walk was involved which the children soon realised had to be repeated to get back! 
Putting on the wetsuits seemed to be easier the second time and the children were soon making their way down to the cliffs edge. A short climb down and we were soon throwing ourselves into the sea pool. 
It really took a lot of bravery and courage to jump off the first ledge and even more resilience on the higher jump. At one point Mrs Sherry's legs turned to jelly!  

All in all, it was a fantastic experience to close our three days of adventures. Well done everyone. 

Land and Wave - Day 2

After a rather early start to the morning for some…we enjoyed a breakfast of cereal, toast and a cheese and bacon turnover. A quick change of clothing and our first activity of the day was a beautiful country walk, through fields to Corfe Castle.

Whilst there, the children were fortunate enough to witness a pair of Peregrine Falcons feeding their young, in what can only be called a very large nest!

The children completed a topical fact finding mission whilst exploring the ruins, followed by a much awaited visit to the shop to spend their money. Our walk back to camp was a different route, with children doing really well powering through some tricky inclines.

Following lunch it was back to donning on our swimming costumes to take on the slip and slide course. Not only did all the children thoroughly enjoy this experience but from the shouts from the teachers they certainly did too!

Our minibus picked us up at 5:30 and transported us to the quayside in Swanage, where we all devoured our fish and chip supper, of course dodging those pesky seagulls. Onto our crabbing lesson from our instructor Verity, with a mixture of success and for those lucky children that didn’t spend all their money this morning an ice cream was the finishing touch to another great evening spent with friends.


and of course we had to watch the footy!

Another picture to cherish to close our second day

Land and Wave. Day 1

Wow! What a great day so far! After arriving safely at Land and Wave it was a pack lunch in the sun and a sort out of our tents. A quick change and off to the sea front to have three hours of paddle boarding! All children thoroughly immersed themselves in the activity, after a few mishaps and lots of laughter with the wetsuits!

On arrival back to the campsite, it was a quick shower, change of clothing and down to our evening meal of a delicious cowboy casserole, jacket potatoes and a salad and pasta bar. This was followed by a favourite pud of sticky toffee pudding!

With not a minute to spare, we were then taking part in our Olympic 2024 event. Teams from USA, Japan, Zambia and Brazil competed in a variety of sporting events earning their teams points along the way. The successful team of Japan were victorious (could it be the welly throwing of Mr G that clinched the vital points…?)

What a truly memorable day for everyone, we are so proud of the children that overcame challenges and as always a privilege to see them all fully immerse themselves in everything that was put to them. Here is to another successful day tomorrow and of course a quiet night ahead…goodnight everyone.

Week 33

Julian Opie Art Continues - Stage 1 of the Screen Printing Process

Children were split into groups this week to commence the many facetted stages of screen printing. Alongside this, each child will be completing research on five other printing techniques to ensure a wealth of knowledge is built upon. 


Ssshhhh....card preparations!

Stars of the Week
Mr Gallagher has chosen Sam as Lancelot’s Star of the Week, for excelling in his assessments this week. You have worked so hard lately, and this demonstrates the excellent progress that you have made. Lovely to hear Sam, keep it up! Mr Gallagher has added a second Star of the Week - Betsy - for being a great role model to others; for impressing in the school play so far and for being a super shoulder partner in her Year 5 booster sessions – great work, Betsy!
Worker of the Week

The Worker of the Week in Lancelot is Daisy-May for always being helpful to all adults around the school – your kindness does not go unnoticed – keep it up!

Week 33

Yoga sessions

Our weekly yoga has helped to promote our flexibility, balance, strength, coordination and posture. Additionally, it has improved our body awareness and helps us to focus our attention on the present moment and on each part of our body.

Childhood Mile Completed

We were glad of the return of some sunny weather, particularly today as the school celebrated Childhood Mile Day - in aid of the NSPCC. Mr Gallagher led the classes through skipping, running, dancing, hopping or walking their way to a mile, with generous donations from families we raised over £50 for the charity.

Sweets, Sweets and more Sweets!

Star of the Week

 Mr Gallagher has chosen Malakai as Lancelot’s Star of the Week, for an excellent biography including semi-colons, relative clauses and parenthesis – great work, Malakai!

Worker of the Week

Similarly, Cullie has been chosen as his Worker of the Week for a great biography about Marcus Rashford that included attempts at brackets and passive voice- keep up the great effort, Cullie


A special mention to Daisy-May, Dexter Bl, Imogen, Jack and Evie in Lancelot, who this week found out were chosen for their creative writing entries to be published in a Young Writers competition Mr Gallagher had organised in the autumn. Also, well done to Je see who has recently gained his yellow belt at his martial arts club.

Week 32


Star of the Week

Lancelot Star of the Week this week is Layton. Layton has had an excellent week especially focussing hard on his pie chart work in maths. Keep up this great effort and determination Layton. 

Worker of the Week

Daisy-May is awarded the Worker of the Week for working well in all lessons but especially in PE on Monday and Tuesday showing some excellent rounders skills. Fantastic work Daisy!

Preparations for The Golden Ticket are full steam ahead!

Another busy afternoon on Friday was the order of the day - Mr Plumbley (our own master of everything theatrical) had the children designing, painting, sticking and  moulding props that will be used as part of our end of year production. We have so much to get through, so the up and coming weeks will be filled with everything sweet and delicious with a sprinkling of chocolate!

Week 31

We are pleased to share that Year 6 have done themselves really proud in their end of Key Stage 2 assessments (SATs) this week. As you can see from the smiles, the hearty breakfasts were enjoyed all-round by children and staff alike and set each up to show their very best throughout the week. Friday saw a treat of ice creams for all to share and a time to reminisce about the week completed. 

Ice creams in the sun!

Stars of the Week

A slight change to the norm this week in that Year 6 have been awarded Mr
Gallagher’s Stars of the Week for completing all of their assessments with determination, hardworking attitude and smiles on their faces.

Workers of the Week

Year 5 are awarded the Workers of the Week for
perfecting PowerPoint presentations with Mrs Collins. The Year 5s are such a hard-working group and a pleasure to teach – high praise indeed Year 5!

Evie sharing her Grace Darling presentation with her peers

End of year Production revealed as The Golden Ticket!

Lancelot were delighted to discover this week that their end-of-year production will be, ‘The Golden Ticket’. The children have been given an excerpt to consider rehearsing in preparation for auditions on
Wednesday lunchtime with Mr Gallagher. We cannot wait to start rehearsals and perform the play at the end of the summer term..

Week 30
Star of the Week

Well done to Betsy, who is Lancelot’s Star of the Week for always showing great effort in each lesson and going above and beyond to achieve brilliant progress – great to hear, Betsy!

Worker of the Week

 Congratulations Jensen, you are Lancelot’s Worker of the Week for demonstrating great teamwork and communication skills with your new shoulder partner.

Revision Splurge ready for up and coming national assessments 

The whole of Lancelot enjoyed a full recap of their prior knowledge this week to ensure Year 6 had a revision tool to take home for the weekend. It was great to see so much Grammar and Maths knowledge being demonstrated on their individual tables which only bodes well for a great week next week.

Friday afternoon in the sun!

With art and environmental studies being the plan for the next six weeks, children enjoyed time in the environmental area making bird feeders, sowing seeds and replenishing the wormer. During their art sessions with Mr Plumbley, the children were delighted to find out that their end of year performance will be The Golden Ticket - based on Charlie and The chocolate factory. The next six weeks will see the children design and make the props and scenery ready for their performances in July. Watch this space for weekly updates!

DT and Art with Mr Plumbley

Week 29

Maths Treasure Hunt @ Hazelgrove School

Lancelot travelled to Hazlegrove Prep school to participate in a maths-themed treasure hunt! The children were mixed with Hazelgrove students into 10 groups and set their first treasure hunt location – before we could blink, the children had set off on their tasks. It was lovely to observe our children mixing so politely and sociably amongst both Hazelgrove students and staff, and so engaged in the mathematical problemswhich they had to solve to progress onto the next stage of the treasure hunt.

Getting our hands dirty in our Environmental session

The children enjoyed a real hands on experience this week when preparing seed balls for the environmental area and also to take home.They are looking forward to see what blooms in the up and coming months to add colour to their garden and also that of the school.

Star of the Week

Well done to Henry, who is Lancelot’s Star of the Week for showing superb communication skills and teamwork on the maths treasure hunt at Hazlegrove on Thursday – great to hear, Henry!

Worker of the Week

Congratulations Imogen, you are Lancelot’s Worker of the Week for an excellent piece of writing based on the five senses - keep up the hard work, Imogen!


Week 28

Earth Day 2024

The children of Lancelot came to school wearing their Autumnal colours for Earth Day this week. They participated in completing their collage of having the world in their hands and are looking forward to becoming a voice for nature when they add their own voice over to a Planet Earth film. 

SCARF - workshop on mental health awareness

Children thoroughly enjoyed their workshop this week discussing the importance of their mental health. We were given great practical  strategies on how we can alleviate our worries and found out all about the chemicals that are released in our bodies when we maybe feeling under pressure.

it was also great to see our old friend Geoffrey the giraffe at the end of the session!



Star of the Week

Well done to Marley, who is Lancelot’s Star of the Week for quietly working extremely hard in all of her lessons, whilst contributing to class discussions especially during grammar – a superb week, Marley! Congratulations

Worker of the Week

Emily, you are Lancelot’s Worker of the Week! Emily has returned to school with a hardworking attitude and has completed her final two preparation maths assessments to the very best of her ability - keep up the hard work, Emily!

Week 27

Environmental workshops for all!
Kicking straight into the swing of things on day one this term, Lancelot took part in a workshop hosted by Carymoor Environment team. Learning about the importance of recycling, reusing and re- purposing. We had a brilliant time exploring how each individual can make a difference to the world around them.

Worker of the Week
Well done to Rothen, Lancelot worker of the week, whose outstanding scores in the ‘Grammar Hammer’ activity have been inspirational – keep up the hard work young man!
Star of the Week

Congratulations Leia, you are Lancelot’s Star of the Week! Leia has shown a renewed willingness to contribute to group discussion as well as excellent answers in her comprehension and presentation in maths – a superb week, Leia!

Celebrating our Blue Peter badge winners

A special mention to those who were awarded their Blue Peter Badges over the Easter holidays. Emily and Chloe in Lancelot were awarded their music and sporting badges respectively. Jensen received his green badge for his work on the eco-council in school.

Working on our watercolours

The finishing touches to our flowers grown in our garden sketches were completed this week. This has enabled  us to use our watercolours to add colour and further detail and place these into a book to share with our friends in Mexico and France.

Week 26

Practical Science - Reversible and Irreversible Change

Continuing on from our successful science week, we were able to complete to further experiments looking at the properties of materials and whether their changes of state are reversible changes                                                                                                                               

We found that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible, including changes associated with burning and the action of acid on bicarbonate of soda. 

Creating plastic from milk sounds impossible and as the two materials are so different it is a good way of showing that an irreversible reaction has occured resulting in the formation of a new material. We added vinegar to milk and watched the milk separate into a solid and a liquid known as curds and whey. Then we removed the water by filtering then dried it to hopefully leave casein as a brittle plastic!

Worker of the Week
Well done to Chloe, who is Lancelot’s Worker of the Week for coming back to school with a hard working attitude after being away. You have also shown great independence with your work. 
Star of the Week

Congratulations Oscar, you are Lancelot’s Star of the Week! Oscar has demonstrated a passion for his additional responsibilities as a librarian and designed a wonderful poster to inspire others to come into the library and read more. Well done.

Easter headbands ready for our Easter service

Class Easter Egg Hunt with a Bit of Je ne sais quoi!

Lancelot enjoyed a French themed Easter egg Hunt this year. Not only did the children have to find and solve 8 clues hidden around the school but they had to do this whilst being connected at all times to their partners! Successful teams were able to earn themselves two extra Easter treats which went down very well! Madame Sherry was delighted with the outcome and all of the new facts the children have learnt on how the French celebrate Easter.

Easter Art project with whole school winners

Week 25


Worker of the Week
Well done to Dexter,who is Lancelot’s Worker of the Week for not being afraid to ask questions when he’s unsure.This is a great skill to have for a successful learner!
Star of the Week

Congratulations Henry, you are Lancelot’s Star of the Week! Henry has showed a great enthusiasm for the curriculum; demonstrating a determination for improvement.

Week 24
Red Nose Day 2024

 Lancelot class really enjoyed wearing all things red on Friday! Red Npse Day was a great success with over £200 being raised for this worthwhile charity. Thank you to everyone for their donations and generosity during the different fund raising sales this week.


British Science Week

This week is Science Week! With the  overall theme of Time this year, we will be looking at how this can be represented over experiments throughout the week. 

The children took part in six experiments on Tuesday - these experiments ranged from exploding elephant toothpaste, combining oil , water and effervescent tablets to make lava lamps and we even made our own class clock using a potato and a couple of lemons! 
The class have also taken part in a whole school science project with Mr Gordon

to make a plastic polymer piece of art! 



Polymer Plastic Art with Mr Gordon

Special Visitors arrive during Science!

 The patter of tiny feet could be heard making their way up-to Lancelot class this week! We were delighted to see Mrs Crang back in school bringing some day old lambs and a hen that had been hatched earlier in the year in Merlin Class.

Worker of the Week
Well done to Dylan,who is Lancelot’s Worker of the Week for showing a positive attitude in ScienceWeek and a unique idea for his science poster about time.
Star of the Week

Congratulations Alex, you are Lancelot’s Star of the Week! Alex has shown resilience and determination when completing his science poster this week. Well done Alex.


Week 23

Wow, what another busy week!

World Book Day

Whatever our age, we all loved dressing up on Thursday for our annual World Book Day!

We shared our favourite books and stories and participated in the Eco book swap organised by The Eco Team and Mr Gallagher. The children loved sitting down in the 'reading lounge' to enjoy a quiet read with their hot-chocolate and biscuits!

The day’s activities ranged from receiving letters from Preston Primary Year 6 children, sharing their love of books, listening to Helen. Rutter talk to us about being an author, and what inspires her, becoming illustrators, designing our book covers, and we can still hear the ringing of the bell throughout the day where we had to stop whatever we were doing and had time to  read for enjoyment. 

Crime and Punishment - Shepton Mallet Prison

To support our topic on Crime and Punishment this term, our trip took us to HMP Shepton Mallet. We learnt a lot about the history of the prison and the punishments that went alongside the crimes that took place. A detailed tour of the prison allowed the children to have an immersive experience and enabled them to understand the conditions people were held in. 

Galliford Try STEM workshop
On Wednesday, we were visited by Jean and Sam from Galliford Try.They came to talk to us about the work they do and to answer the children's questions regarding the improvements to the A303 road, which many of the children live near or use to travel on.

The children tried on some of the PPE which the workers wear, as well as take part in a STEM activity. They were challenged by Sam to build a structure which would be strong enough to support an iPhone - very brave, using only 40 straws. 


Worker of the Week
Well done to Evie,who is Lancelot’s Worker of the Week for an outstanding letter to a pupil from Preston Primary. Her letter included super detail on books she would recommend for children to read. Super effort Evie.
Star of the Week

Congratulations Jack, you are Lancelot’s Star of the Week! Jack is always  happy to help out with jobs and always being kind to others and bringing positivity into Lancelot Class.

Week 22

Worker of the Week
Well done to Dexter Bo, who is Lancelot’s Worker of the Week (Star last week!) for an outstanding, ‘say yes, say no’ poem about animals and showing amazing effort recently in his booster sessions – on a roll, Dexter!
Star of the Week

Congratulations Lucy, you are Lancelot’s Star of the Week! Lucy has demonstrated fantastic presentation in every lesson this week as well as being a keen representative of the school at this week’s hockey matches - wonderful news, Lucy!

Poetry Week

This week Lancelot have been busy at work writing their poems for the school's annual poetry competition. This year, the theme was 'Animals Matter'. Thank you to the PTFA who will be judging the poems and we look forward to finding out the winners next week during World 📕 Day.

Hockey Tournament at Kings Bruton

Week 21

Stars of the Week

Congratulations Dexter Bo, you are Lancelot’s Star of the Week! Dexter has an excellent attitude in maths, particularly this week as he has been learning about prime and square numbers – great job, Dexter!

Worker of the Week

Well done to Sam, who is Lancelot’s Worker of the Week for writing an excellent newspaper report independently based upon the schoolhouse fire in Green Lake – well done Sam, keep it up.


Celebrating Mardi Gras 2024

Better late than never, Excalibur and Lancelot children celebrated Mardi Gras this week. The actual date for Mardi Gras is always held on Shrove Tuesday, so unfortunately due to this being in half term this year our festivities had to wait until this week. The children researched what happens on Mardi Gras and why it is celebrated, whilst adorning masks, headdresses and beads. They are looking forward to sampling some King Cake next week to complete their topic.

Practical Science Afternoon

This lesson helped the children to recap the properties of materials they have learned about in earlier year groups as well as developing their skills of identifying, classifying and grouping materials by their properties. Children had the chance to investigate the hardness, transparency and response to magnets of a range of materials and group them by these properties. 


World Thinking Day

It was wonderful to see so many of Lancelot in their Scouting or Guiding movement
uniforms, marking World Thinking Day on Thursday. The day is an initiative led by the Guiding movement for groups across the world to think about each other, the groups that they are a part of and any important topical issues.

Week 20


Stars of the Week

We have two stars this week! Our first shining star is Dexter. Dexter showed great commitment and dedication in all his assessments this week.Over all six assessment papers, Dexter only dropped two marks. An amazing week, Dexter. Well done!

Our second star is Oscar for demonstrating  effort, perseverance and resilience throughout the week.Well done, Oscar

Worker of the Week

Lancelot’s Worker of the Week this week goes to Ben. During our assessment week Ben scored a magnificent score of 110/110 for his 3 maths papers! A truly fantastic achievement Ben.

Chinese Dragon Dance

From Saturday 10th February, it will be the year of the ‘Wood dragon’ in the Chinese Zodiac. To celebrate this year’s Lunar New Year, children in Lancelot performed a dragon dance accompanied musically by children from Merlin Class. We were delighted that the weather stayed dry so the whole school and our parents could enjoy our celebrations.

Dragon Dance and Chinese New Year celebrations

Still image for this video

Acrylic painting - Chinese blossom and writing names in traditional Chinese script

Are you smarter than a 10year old?

Thank you for all the parents who came to our ‘Are you smarter than your 10-year-old?” quiz. It was a great success and confirmed that the parents know more than
the children, at this point in the year...

Week 19


Worker of the Week

Well done to Henry, who is Lancelot’s Worker of the Week for showing great participation in maths lessons; demonstrating accuracy and checking and taking responsibility for his own learning.

Star of the Week

Congratulations Freya, you are awarded Star of the Week for an excellent extended write on  yellow spotted lizards. You included many features and used parenthesis, statistics and hyphenated adjectives . Great work!

Week 18

All things International!

Throughout this week Lancelot Class has helped to complete our Friendship Tree. The tree sits proudly in the shelter in our car park for all to see and our Language Ambassadors will endeavour to keep this updated as more leaves are delivered from our friends across the world. Not only do we have a Friendship tree but we will now have a Chinese Wishing Tree to add to our displays. The Wishing Tree will form part of our Chinese New Year celebrations where every child will write a wish onto the tree, just as many Chinese children will be doing with their families in China on February 10th this year. 

Worker of the Week

Well done to Betsy, who is Lancelot’s Worker of the Week for a brilliant diary entry as Stanley from the book, Holes. Betsy included superb repetition, colons and varied her sentence structure throughout to keep the reader enthralled!

Star of the Week

Congratulations Sam, you are awarded Star of the Week for demonstrating excellent World War 2 knowledge and geography understanding in Lancelot Kahoots (online quizzes!) on Wednesday – great work Sam!

The Lucky Dip - Class Writing Display

Week 17

Worker of the Week

Well done to Malakai, who is Lancelot’s Worker of the Week for an accurate week of work in his maths lessons, demonstrating good knowledge of formulae – not an easy subject when meeting for the first time, Malakai!
Star of the Week
Congratulations Ben, you are awarded Star of the Week for an outstanding Lucky Dip narrative. It is extremely detailed, includes pathetic fallacy and keeps the reader on the edge of their seat!

Members of the Lancelot Eco Council have been busy bugs – they have helped Mr Inskip to make two bug hotels (Bugingham Palace!) for the tiny creatures who share our site as well as hanging a number of bird feeders around the perimeters. With the Bird Watch underway, it should help to boost our total sightings here at Countess Gytha. Sighting sheets should have made their way home in bookbags this week if you would like to take part at home too!

Week 16

Star of the Week

Mr Gallagher has chosen Chloe  as his Star of the Week, for a fantastic first half of her extended write entitled The Lucky Dip and a  great use of a flashback. Superb effort Chloe.

Worker of the Week

Mr Gallagher was also impressed with Harry for trying his absolute best in his extended write especially focusing on the sequence of events and his handwriting too. Great work, Harry.

Our Watercolours now adorn the main corridor

Year 5 and 6 Statutory Word List

Week 15

Welcome. Ack to a new Spring term in Lancelot Class. even though we were only in class for three days, it certainly was a packed week full of new learning and experiences.


Star of the Week

Mr Gallagher has chosen Emily as his Star of the Week, for great comprehension skills in our English lesson this week, ensuring she gathered her evidence from the text to provide clear and detailed answers

Worker of the Week

Mr Gallagher was also impressed with Lola this week.As worker of the week, Lola showed a clear understanding of how to calculate number problems using fractions, using this confidence in her knowledge she clearly shared this information with her peers. Well done Lola!

Penpal Letters from France have arrived

Lancelot were thrilled to finally receive their penpal letters from France. Many of the children have the same penpal from last year but for others the excitement was clear when they read their letters for the first time. In the upcoming weeks we will be sending our second letter to our friends in France.

Our first Ukulele lesson of the term

Completed recipe books ready to be share with our International friends

Children in Year 5 and Year 6 have chosen their favourite traditional British recipes and with  the help of friends and family have compiled a recipe book to share with our International friends in Spain, France, Mexico and Cambodia. We are hoping to receive some recipes from our international schools so we are able to share these with our families and even prepare some of their traditional dishes at school.

Our framed watercolours adorn the walls of the corridor

Week 14

What a busy final week in Lancelot Class. Not only did we prepare our own Christmas dinner ( the children have promised to help their parents when it comes to peeling the vegetables at Christmas) but we also served some very important guests. The children also performed at the schools Carol concert in St Barnabas’ church on Wednesday evening, where we were joined by parents and members of our village community. They really did themselves proud and by the smiles on their faces, really enjoyed the event.
We mustn’t forget another visitor who arrived from the skies early on in the week to take special letters written the Father Christmas. On our final day, we enjoyed a relaxing watercolour workshop in the style of french post impressionist Henri Rousseau. We are hoping that some of our paintings will adorn the corridor very soon.

From everyone in Lancelot Class, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

Watercolour workshop in the style of Henri Rousseau

Carol Concert

Whole School Christmas Lunch

Week 13

Star of the Week

Mr Gallagher has chosen Henry as his Star of the Week, for outstanding accuracy and commitment to showing his best efforts in all of his assessments this week – brilliant work, Henry!

Worker of the Week

Mr Gallagher was also impressed with Dexter Bl, achieving 50 out of 50 on his spelling, punctuation and grammar – an incredible achievement Dexter, well done.  

Christingle Service 2023

Week 12


Making our Christingles

Classes were joined by local community members on Friday, who helped the children to build their Christingle oranges for our celebration next week. Classes enjoyed learning about the meaning of the parts
used in the orange, as they put them together with a lot  licking their lips in anticipation of the sweets!


Watercolour Workshop

Pudsey pays a surprise visit during maths!

The yellow, friendly bear popped his head around Lancelot’s door on Wednesday to say a special thank-you, following the successful fundraising of £270 for Children in Need. The children were thrilled to ‘paws’ their maths for a quick photo with their favourite bear!

Beauty and The Beast dazzles the crowd!

This fun, colourful and dynamic production actively encouraged all the children to engage fully in the fun.

Wonderful costumes, superb scenery and magical special effects all combined to deliver an electric atmosphere and a truly imaginative, enthralling journey into the enchanting world of Beauty and the Beast.

Star of the Week

Mr Gallagher has chosen Dexter W as his Star of the Week, for an outstanding book review on Lori and Max – Mr Gallagher was very impressed!
Worker of the Week

Mr Gallagher was also impressed with Alex F, who is the Worker of the Week for high quality, consistent maths work this week – keep up the great work, Alex!

Week 11


Star of the Week

Mr Gallagher has chosen Rothen as his Star of the Week, for showing great enthusiasm for English, including representing the school at Thornford Primary in his writing course – keep it up, Rothen!
Worker of the Week 

Mr Gallagher was also impressedwith Freya, who is working a much-improved pace throughout the week, specifically in maths and science – keep it up, Freya!

Aim High Writing Course

Four children were invited to a writing day with author and teacher Paul Nolan. Paul taught the children his 6 tension techniques for creating pulsating action in their own sequences. Ben, Rothen, Chloe and Evie then created an action-packed story sequence of their own. The children had a great day and some even purchased Demons in Dunkirk - a book written by Paul.

Week 10

Children in Need and Odd Socks for Anti Bullying Week

On Friday 17th November we recognised Children in Need at school. All the children came dressed in their own clothes, fancy dress or Pudsey Bear accessories. 

Mrs Sherry and Lola loved spending the day in their bright yellow Pudsey Bear onesies!

We would like to say a HUGE thank you for your generous donations and as a school we have raised £210.

Pudsey joins House Captains in assembly!

Friendship Leaves Completed and Sent to France and Mexico

Star of the Week
 Mr Gallagher has chosen Imogen as his Star of the Week, for outstanding contributions to all of her class discussions; always showing a willingness to participate and succeed. Great work, Imogen - keep it up!
Worker of the Week

Mr Gallagher was also impressed with Alex P, who he has given Worker of the Week to, for showing excellent accuracy in long multiplication and responding positively to feedback from Mr Gallagher – lovely to hear, Alex!

Week 9:

Remembrance Day Assembly took place on Friday with some of the Year 6 children delivering readings to the whole school. Well done to Chloe, Dylan, Ben, Jensen and Henry. 

Remembrance stones to enhance our display

Worker of the Week

Well done to Marley, who is Lancelot’s Worker of the Week for demonstrating excellent teamwork and effort on Cool Aeronautics day  – great work, Marley.
Star of the Week
Congratulations Eloise and Isabelle, you have been awarded Star of the Week for showing outstanding teamwork, resilience and determination when building a rollercoaster and a boat on Thursday. 

This week the class have been learning how to create and perform a routine using shapes, speeds and different methods of travelling. Here are some still images of their wonderful work.

Leonardo Cool Aeronautics visit

Year 5 and 6 enjoyed a visit from Leonardo Helicopters for this year’s Cool Aeronautics engineering and technology event. Children were tasked with designing a straw rollercoaster and then a weighted boat in groups. Congratulations go to Betsy, Daisy-May, Rothen, Tommy and Emily for being the overall team winners of the day; it is a firm favourite of the children every year and we hope next year we might have the opportunity to visit the Aero centre in Yeovil too!

Week 8:

Worker of the Week

Well done to Jack, who is Lancelot’s Worker of the Week for writing an exceptional letter persuading headteachers to send their classes to 10, Downing Street  – great work, Jack!
Star of the Week
Congratulations Harry, you have been awarded Star of the Week for showing great determination and resilience in maths when focussing on statistics.

Language Learning - French

Children put their finishing touches to their mini books this week, during their language lesson. These books will be sent to our French link schools as part of our International schools award - sharing resources worldwide for others to enjoy.


In science this week, the class made human models demonstrating how light travels in straight lines from the light source, reflecting (bouncing) off the object and then travels in straight lines into your eye. 


Week 7

A Wondrous World War 2 Day!

The Lancelot children cracked secret codes, cooked trench stew, baked wartime cookies and made gas mask boxes and identity cards. We were also incredibly fortunate to receive not one but two visitors - Pat and Grace who were children during the war. We asked them questions about their experiences as evacuees and they retold their wartime stories. We also played 1940s games – pickup sticks and dominoes – and created our own WW2 game called Victory. Overall, the day was very special and the children's efforts with their outfits was great to see!

Oh dear, oh dear!

PTFA disco brings a shining end to the term

Thank you to the PTFA for organising another great end of term disco; the children really enjoyed getting dressed up and wearing their brightest colours for the UV theme again this year. 

#HelloYellow - Young Minds

Pupils in Lancelot brightened their day with a splash of yellow for youth mental health charity YoungMinds’ campaign in support of young people’s mental health.

Children and staff dressed in yellow  as part of YoungMinds’ #HelloYellow campaign which called on people to stand together in support of young people struggling with their mental health, to show they matter and deserve the help they need, when they need it, no matter what.


Castle Cary Carnival 

Some Little Miss and Mr Men from Lancelot, joined  Mr Gordon, Mrs Sherry and Mrs Hoddinott at Castle Cary Carnival on Saturday night. The children danced, laughed and interacted with the crowd as they walked through the street of Castle Cary. Well done to everyone who took part. Fingers crossed for the official results!

Star and Worker of the Week

Week 6

Lancelot Visit Number 10!

The end of the week saw the much awaited trip to our capital city and our visit to Downing Street. On arrival we met Mrs Murty ( the Prime Minister’s wife) who explained our activity for the morning. In groups the children had to design, plan and budget for a new canapé that could be served at Downing Street. With help from members of the Farmers Union, there was a plethora of ideas which were all enjoyed as part of their luncheon in the state room. At the end of the visit the children had their photographs taken in front of the famous black door and even met Larry the cat!.

A walking tour of the famous landmarks was then undertaken in clouding Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, The Mall, The Cenotaph and Westminster Abbey.

Kate Wakeling  delivers poetic workshop 

Author of the books Cloud Soup and Moon Juice - Kate Wakeling delivered an engaging workshop to Lancelot Class this week. Children watched Kate perform her poems. They then completed a writing activity which was inspired by her poem 'Some Other Names for Rain' from Cloud Soup. The children got the opportunity to share their poems with Kate followed by an opportunity to ask her any questions. All in all, it was an inspiring morning!

Poetry Recitals

Still image for this video

Some other names for sunshine

Still image for this video

Purple 4 Polio

Our whole school assembly this week was led by The Brue Rotary Club. Their topic was w 4 Polio.  The purple crocus is a symbol of a worldwide campaign to eradicate polio, with its colour representing the purple dye used to mark the finger of a child to indicate they have received their life saving oral polio vaccine. The school ha been given purple crocus bulbs to plant around the school to promote awareness and act as a reminder of this worthwhile initiative. The school council will be helping to raise money for this worthwhile cause in the spring term.  

Week 5

Worker of the Week

Well done to Isabelle, who is Lancelot’s Worker of the Week for a thoughtful analysis of propaganda posters as well as designing her own poster promoting the ‘grow your own’ message – great work, Isabelle!
Star of the Week
Congratulations Cullie, you have been awarded Star of the Week for showing great kindness and communication skills when walking alongside Merlin children to Harvest!

Harvest Celebrations

Our Harvest celebrations took place on Wednesday afternoon at the church of St Barnabas.This year, the children of Lancelot told the congregations the meaning of harvest. Please listen to our presentation below.

We we’re delighted to be able to ensure the preschool children and Merlin Class arrived safely to church as we accompanied them on the first ever walk to the church. 

The Meaning of Harvest

Still image for this video

Poetry Week

During Poetry week, Lancelot studied the poem On the Move Again by Michael Rosen. They were able to listen to the author  read the chosen poem and then had the opportunity to work in small groups to perform their own interpretation.

Week 4

Worker of the Week - Eloise (Year 6)

The Worker of the Week in Lancelot Class this week is Eloise. Eloise has demonstrated determination and resilience in maths especially when finding fractions of amounts.

Star of the Week - Evie (Year 5)

Evie is Lancelot’s Star of the Week for a fantastic description of a character using expanded noun phrases, prepositional phrases and a variety of high-level punctuation.

Week 4

Have a Heart!
During Science this week, the children  were able to take a closer look at the structures and

vessels that make up the heart.They were surprised to notice not only the difference in the thickness of the walls of the blood vessels but also the differences in the walls of the chambers of the heart. 

European Day of Languages


Pupils across the school took part in European Day of Languages on the 26th September.

Our school focus this year was on the importance of learning languages to help us be global citizens. Pupils learnt that being able to speak different languages can help you to:

  • make new friends;
  • travel and study abroad;
  • live and find work in different countries;
  • understand different cultures. 
    The focused country in Lancelot was France 🇫🇷 this year. We linked our research and activities with our language learning.

Week 3

Worker of the Week - Layton (Year 5)

The Worker of the Week in Lancelot Class this week is Layton. Layton has demonstrated excellent listening skills during the class book and contributing a fantastic prediction based on evidence. 

Star of the Week - Jensen (Year 6)

Jensen is Lancelot’s Star of the Week for his wonderful attitude in his booster sessions. Keep up the great work. 

Day 1 of French Food Tasting 

Friday afternoon saw the children in Lancelot Class draw on all their strength and courage to try a delicacy that no-one in the class had tried before - snails! 

After the initial eughs, many of the children were excited to think they had tried and even consumed a snail. Following the French tradition, the children have kept their first shell for luck! 

Jeans for Genes Day

Lancelot Science work this week on the movement of blood in our body!

Still image for this video

Week 2

Worker of the Week - Lucy (Year 5)

The Worker of the Week in Lancelot Class this week is Lucy. Lucy has demonstrated hard work in all her lessons this week but in particular during English where she wrote a great poem called Four Seasons.

Star of the Week - Dylan (Year 6)

Dylan is Lancelot’s Star of the Week for his positive attitude in lessons. He was a wonderful contributor to our WW2 discussion which the class value highly. 

Congratulations to all the children who were awarded badges, hats and various job roles this week. From reading ambassadors to prefects to house captains and much more, I'm sure you will all succeed in your new jobs. 

Welcome back Lancelot Class!! What a great first week. Mr Gallagher, Mrs Sherry and Mrs Hills are very proud of the class and how they settled into new surroundings, peers and teachers. We are looking forward to having an incredibly successful year.

Week 1

Worker of the Week - Leia (Year 6)

The Worker of the Week in Lancelot Class this week is Leia. Leia has come back to school with a great learning attitude and is a role model for the Year 5s in the class. 

Star of the Week - Lola (Year 6)

Lola is Lancelot’s Star of the Week for her outstanding first week back. Her contribution to class discussion has been thoughtful and valued by the class.
