Free school meals are available to children whose parents qualify by meeting the criteria below. Children must be in school all day and they will be provided with a meal at lunchtime that is paid for by the school.
Parents/carers who receive any of the following are entitled to free school meals:-
If you are in receipt of Working Tax Credit you are not eligible to receive free school meals. For further advice, call 0300 123 2224.
Please ask for a Free School Meal form at the School Office, this can be completed and returned to the school or can be sent directly to:
Admissions and Entitlements Team
County Hall
Also if either one or both parents are in HM Forces the school is entitled to extra funding, please inform the School Office if this is the case.
Our Pupil Premium Report is always reviewed and updated annually in July each year.
Summary of the main barriers to educational achievement faced by eligible pupils at school.
1. Attendance and Punctuality – A greater proportion of pupil premium children require additional support to main good attendance above 96% and to also ensure they come to school on time.
2. Passive attitude towards learning – A greater proportion of our pupil premium children require an enhanced curriculum to ensure their learning is not passive.
3. Speech and Language upon entry to school – A greater proportion of our pupil premium children require speech and language support when they enter school.
4. Parental Involvement – A greater awareness of the expectations of each Key Stage and Year group and to encourage a partnership in learning, which is sometimes more difficult with our pupil premium children.
5. Remote Learning/Lockdown - A greater proportion of our pupil premium children did not engage in school work during lockdown or periods of remote learning.