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Benefits of Taskmaster Club

Sense of Belonging / Inclusivity Everyone gets their moment to shine at Taskmaster Club. Whether the children or young people are sporty, academic, musical, literary, mathematical, competitive, artistic, introverted or just downright quirky, there are tasks that will give them all a chance to flourish.


Creativity There are no wrong answers at Taskmaster Club, but thinking outside the box is rewarded. Children are encouraged to think creatively and laterally to find unique approaches to each task and win more points from the Taskmaster.


Teamwork / Collaboration The teams that succeed and get the most from Taskmaster Club are the ones who listen to each other's ideas and learn from their teammates. Different tasks play to different strengths and, by working as a team, the children are each able to contribute to their team’s successes by drawing on their unique talents and skills.


Self-esteem / Self-Confidence Taskmaster Club plays to a variety of different strengths, so it’s never the same teams who win each task. Extra-curricular clubs tend to focus on particular activities, skills or talents, whereas Taskmaster Club is unique in fostering a wide variety of skills. This approach builds up confidence and self-esteem, as different teams are likely to excel each week. We have also found that children who come to Taskmaster Club reticent to speak up about, for example, their prize tasks in the early weeks of the clubs, very often display a greater willingness to speak out at the conclusion of the club term.


Fun / Interactivity Taskmaster Club incorporates a ‘learning by stealth’ approach that is a great way of teasing educational outcomes from something that is genuinely fun. By engaging with the tasks and working

 Session 1

Ball or Nothing

Session 2


Session 3

Session 4

Let’s get Tasking Group

Still image for this video

Prize Task: Design an invention to help Alex be the best Taskmaster’s Assistant ever.
Design an invention to help Alex be the best Taskmaster’s Assistant ever. Best invention wins.
We’ve teamed up with the brilliant YouTube channel, Kids Invent Stuff, for this very special Prize Task. Give each member of the Club a copy of the design sheet here and instruct them to create their design and bring it back next time. Score them, as usual, at the next session, but then send all of the designs to Kids Invent Stuff and one lucky entrant will have their invention built before it’s tested at the Taskmaster house by Alex Horne himself.
It might be worth discussing what sort of things Alex has to do as the Taskmaster’s assistant and what sort of inventions might help him.
Send the designs to, upload them at your-invention/ or post them to: FAO Ruth Amos, Kids Invent Stuff, Alison Business Centre, 39-40 Alison Crescent, Sheffield, England, S2 1AS

Session 5

Warm-up Task: Make the biggest and best circle.
Make the biggest and best circle. Biggest and best circle wins. You have three minutes; your time starts now.
Main Task: Build the highest free-standing bridge.
Build the highest free-standing bridge. Your bridge must be capable of supporting a potato (or a similarly weighted item). You have 10 minutes. Your time starts now.
