Welcome to our Governors’ Section
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured.
The Countess Gytha Primary School local governing board (LGB) is made up of the Head Teacher, a representative from the teaching staff and volunteers from parents and the community. The local governing board meet a minimum of three times a year.
The core functions of the governing board are:
The day-to-day management and running of the school is the responsibility of the Head Teacher and School Leadership Team (SLT). It is their job to report to the governors so we can undertake our main functions as outlined above.
If you would like to contact any member of the Governing Body please do so through the school office.
Head Teacher - David Gordon
Staff Governor - Megan Bridge
Director Appointed Governor - Helen Cullen
Director Appointed Governor - Paul Wilson (Co Chair of Governors)
Parent Governor - Sam Clifton (Co Chair of Governors)
Parent Governor - Charles Straker-Nesbit
Community Governor - Paul Davis
Clerk to Governors - Anthea Sorrell
Links to PPAT Director Information
Our Governors always welcome contact with those wishing to know more about what we do, or to pass on comments or ask questions. Please feel free to get in touch.
If you wish to see the minutes of our Local Governing Body meetings, please contact the school office, or the Clerk via Clerk@countessgytha.ppat365.org