Purpose of Study
We provide our pupils with an age appropriate PSHE and RSE programme (SCARF) that is tailored to their physical and emotional maturity. It enables our children to make positive choices about their bodies and emotional health, both now and in the future. Through the study of this programme pupils should be equipped with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions.
As a School, we believe that effective PSHE and RHE is essential if our pupils, as they grow, are to make responsible and well-informed decisions about their lives. It contributes to promoting the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, emotional, mental and physical development of our pupils, preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.
We believe PSHE and RHE should not be delivered in isolation, but be firmly rooted in our Personal, Social and Health Education programme, SCARF and supplemented by Science RE and other subjects of our taught curriculum.
The school aims to provide our pupils with an appropriate PSHE and RHE programme that is tailored to their physical and emotional maturity. It should enable them to make positive choices about their physical, sexual, and emotional health, both now and in the future. We seek to achieve this aim by having six main elements to our programme, that are taught at age and stage appropriate levels.
Me and My Relationships
Valuing Difference
Keeping Myself Safe
Rights and Responsibilities
Being my Best
Growing and Changing
We believe that high quality PSHE and RHE will be achieved by providing an environment and atmosphere where pupils feel safe, relaxed, not intimidated, but focused; and where they have confidence and trust in the knowledge, ability, and skills of their teachers.
Long Term Plan (Overview)
Our LTP overview details the half-termly units and related key themes which cover all the DfE statutory requirements for Relationships Education and Health Education