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Merlin – Reception & Year 1



Merlin Class

The Adults in Merlin are:

Mrs Amanda Strong – Class Teacher 


Mrs Natalie Hoddinott (Everyday)

Mrs Jane Hewlett (Mornings and some afternoons)

Week 10

Maths day was a huge success in Merlin Class!  We started the day off with some shape yoga, followed by a Numberblocks episode about Shapeland. The children enjoyed a carousel of activities such as a shape hunt around school with Lancelot class,  making tangrams, copying and constructing 3D multi link models and making shapes using geoboards.

Week 9

As part of our under the sea theme, we have been watching videos and reading non- fiction books about sharks. The children loved finding out interesting facts to include in their fat files and learning how to draw a shark.

Summer Term 2023


Week 8

This week we completed our 3D paper collage of an imaginary underground water scene. The children enjoyed exploring different sculpture techniques and adding in their own sea creatures to embellish their design. We combined each piece to make a group piece. 

Week 7

This week we have been busy watering our sunflower plants and observing the changes from before the half term holiday. We have also been exploring the school grounds identifying and naming wild plants using an identification chart. We collected different plants and made amazing collages. 

Week 6

There has been great excitement in Merlin class this week as our chicks finally hatched. We have been watching them closely for signs of the shells beginning to crack. Five chicks hatched and we have been keeping them warm in our incubator,  making sure they have food and water. Holding the chicks was definitely the highlight of the week!

Week 3

To mark His Majesty the King’s Coronation, Merlin Class volunteered to litter pick in Queen Camel park. The children did a fantastic job and collected a surprising amount of rubbish. After all their hard work we finished with a play in the park before returning to school for our whole school performance of ‘We Will Crown You’. We hope you enjoyed our dance and air guitar!

Year 1 children have been looking at the work of William Morris. They have sketched plants and created their own plant designs. They have learned how to create printing blocks in polystyrene and have made some beautiful repeating print patterns.  

Week 2

Merlin class took part in PSHE workshop run by SCARF. The children had great fun learning about the different parts of our body and their functions. Gerald the Giraffe was definitely  a highlight and he showed the children how to brush their teeth, wash and eat well to keep themselves healthy.

This week we have been finding out about the names and functions of the different parts of plants. The children enjoyed decorating egg shells and sowing seeds to make cress heads. Every morning on arrival at school the children are eager to see what changes they can observe. 

Race for Life 2023


Week 1

Welcome back after the Easter holidays. A huge well done to all the children who took part in the Bookman challenge over the Easter break. 

This week,  Merlin Class have begun their weekly music lessons with a specialist teacher. The children had a fantastic time singing, playing musical games and playing instruments. They were so enthused they have been asking me every day if they are having music again! 

Reception children have been learning about the numerals 11 and 12, looking at the numbers of tens and ones in each number and also exploring the different number bonds for 10. 

Year 1’s have been investigating which material would be the best to make an umbrella for Baby Bear. They designed a fair test  and tested different materials to find the best one.



Easter Assembly

Still image for this video

Merlin class were amazing and performed their song in front of the whole school. We also had a class visit from 3 lambs. The children had the opportunity to stroke them and asked lots of interesting questions. 

Week 11

This week Merlin class have been learning about the impact of climate change on our weather. We have watched videos about floods, hurricanes and tornadoes which encouraged the children to ask lots of questions about the dangers, the impact on people's lives and what we can do to help protect our world. We came up with lots of ideas about how to reuse and  recycle objects at home and thought of some ways to help save energy.


Week 10 - Science Week

This week we have enjoyed reading the science themed book 'Look Up' and designed posters to advertise a meteor shower.  We watched a BBC video about our solar system, learning interesting facts about the planets and the children created some lovely mixed media artwork of their favourite planet. We also took part in a live farm lesson about tractors, learnt about it's different parts, the materials they are made from and why each material was chosen for the job. Year 1 children have also been exploring the properties of everyday materials. Merlin class thoroughly enjoyed decorating their rockets and launching them in the playground! Finally, we ended the week with an amazing explosive mentos and coke a cola experiment!

Merlin class made a fantastic effort dressing up for Red Nose Day. The children found out about  how the money raised goes to help charities such as Autism Angels, a charity that enables autistic children to spend time with horses, connecting with nature and making new friends. We also had to guess how many items were in the jar and pinned the nose on Mr Gordon!


Week 9

This week, Merlin class have been celebrating poetry week by writing some poems linked to the theme of the Earth. We read examples of poems focusing on the use of using interesting adjectives, verbs and similes. Year 1 children wrote their own versions and Reception children all contributed to a group poem.  The children also enjoyed making finger painted Earth pictures.




Week 8

Merlin class have had a Welsh themed week. The children have learned about traditional Welsh costume, St David  and how St. David's Day is celebrated. We ate Welsh cakes, drew some beautiful daffodil pictures and even answered the register in Welsh!


World Book Day

It was lovely to see the effort all the children made for World Book Day. We enjoyed a visit to the reading cafe/library, read some Elmer stories and made our very own colourful Elmer collages.

Week 7

On Shrove Tuesday, Merlin Class had great fun making and eating  pancakes  with Mr Gordon. There were lots of comments about how delicious they were!

Winter Art

All the children have now completed their beautiful winter birch tree pictures using masking tape, salt and watercolour paints. The children took great care adding details to their pictures and are very proud of the finished result. 

Country Dancing

Some of the Key Stage 2 children volunteered to come and show Merlin Class some country dancing this week. What a performance! Merlin children are now keen to learn one of their own!

Merry Christmas from Merlin!

Christingle Preparations and Church Service

Friends from St Barnabas, helped the children in Merlin Class prepare their Christingle. Our Christingle service will be held in church on Thursday this week, with parents and the community invited.

World Cup Day

We enjoyed celebrating World Cup Day with the whole School taking part in some fun activities. We made table football games, coloured flags with collage and some of us even watched England v Iran!
