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Countess Gytha Primary School is a member of Preston Primary Academy Trust

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Helpful Information

Parents in School


We enjoy and encourage parental involvement in school. Parents help in a variety of activities and have skills that they can share with the children. We are always looking for support of this nature. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with the school if you wish to help, with any aspect of school life.

Should a teacher, at any point, be concerned about your child’s educational or social development, we will contact you. In return, we invite you to contact the Headteacher, or the class teacher if you or your child has any concerns.

However, your visits need not only be confined to times of concern. If, for example, children have produced work of which they are especially proud, please feel welcome to come in and share it with them. The partnership between home and school in your child’s education is vital, and there is no doubt that when a good relationship prevails, progress is more smoothly and quickly achieved. We aim to deal with matters concerning the children in a courteous and constructive manner and expect parents to approach the school in the same way.


Reporting Progress to Parents


Autumn Term:           Parent’s evening

Spring Term:             Parent’s evening

Summer Term:          Annual reports will be sent to parents giving them an opportunity to make an appointment to discuss issues raised on the report if they so wish.


Extra-Curricular Activities


We pride ourselves on being able to offer a range of extra- curricular activities. If you would like to help or run one yourself please speak to the headteacher about the organisation and management of such activities.




The school has a Homework Policy that is available on request from the office.

Children throughout the school are encouraged to read at home. In addition, multiplication tables and spellings are sent home regularly for older children.


Creating a Positive Ethos


The Behaviour Policy at the school aims to encourage children to develop a respect for others around them and their environment. There are a few simple rules which are based on the need for their safety, health and well-being and consideration for individuals in the community.


We are a supportive school with a caring ethos and we have a number of systems in school which reward and celebrate achievement and good behaviour. These include:

  • House Points
  • Weekly ‘Golden Time’
  • Additional group and class awards
  • Extra privileges
  • Certificates
  • Older children should always be aware of the needs of those younger than themselves and be prepared to help them when necessary.
  • All children are expected to help to keep the school environment tidy and litter free.


Please refer to Behaviour Policy for more information including whole school and individual class reward systems


Parental Complaints


We hope that any concerns or complaints that parents have can be resolved informally by the school. Therefore any concerns, in the first instance, should be made to the Headteacher. Failing this, the school Complaints Policy (available on the website) explains the procedures parents should take.


Severe Weather and other Emergency procedures


In the event of severe weather or any other emergency preventing the opening of the school, the school will send  a message to the Local Authority, notification will be put onto the front page of the school website and local radio stations will be informed.


Pre-School Links


The majority of our Children transfer to Countess Gytha from our on site pre-school. However the school does have links with other local Pre-school and Nursery settings. For further information please telephone the school office.
